- For disconnector : Center break, double break, earthing switch. 适用于这几种隔离开关:中断开关、双断开关、接地开关。
- Remove operating lever. Slide remains open if the earthing switch is in the closed position. 拿开接地开关操作杆,如果接地开关已合上,滑板处于接地开关操作孔底部不上弹;
- Release control wiring plug and engage it in the storage position of the withdrawable part. If the earthing switch is in the closed position. 从插座上取下二次插头并固定在断路器上面板上;
- The withdrawable part cannot be moved from the test/disconnencted position into the service position when the earthing switch is closed (chanical interlock). 只有可移开单元在试验/隔离位置时,方可插上和解除二次插头;
- The static contact of earthing switch is fixed on the conductive pipe of disconnector. The dynastic contact is installed on the end of earthing knife in the base. 接地开关静触头固定在隔离开关的导电管上,动触头安装在底座上的接地闸刀钢管的端部。
- With the earthing switch closed, insertion of the withdrawable part towards the service position must be blocked after only two clockwise turns of the crank. 如果接地开关处于合闸状态,手车向工作位置的操作必须被机械联锁锁定。
- There are intrelocks between isolating switch、vacuum switch and earth switch to avoid misoperating. 隔离开关、真空开关、接地开关之间互相联锁,以防止误操作。
- However, very fast transient(VFT) process can be produced, during the operating of disconnector switch, earth switch and circuit breaker. 但是,在隔离开关、接地开关和断路器的动作过程中,会出现快速暂态过程。
- VCB and earth switch in the OPEN position, you can move the truck from the test/disconnected position to service position. 断路器和接地开关在分闸位置时,手车能从试验/隔离位置移动到运行位置。
- Abstract: The rational application and strict administration of earthing switch in High-voltage switchgear to make surt the personal safety and safely utilization of electric power. 摘要:为确保检修人员人身安全和用电安全,应对高压开关柜的接地开关合理应用和严格管理。
- Some additive interlocks can be assembled on the truck and/or earth switch operating mechanism, as case electromagnet, user should provide the required information when ordering. 可在手车和/或接地开关操动机构上安装附加联锁装置,如闭锁电磁铁,用户在订货时应提出要求。
- The unit can detect the position of withdrawable part and status such as circuit-breaker and earth switch, through I/O function-module control earth switch and withdrawable part. 监控单元软件完成了对可抽出部件的位置及接地开关和断路器等状态的检测,通过I/O模块实现对接地开关和可抽出部件的控制。
- To realize controlling of the dependent power operating withdrawable part and earth switch in high-voltage switchgear, the operating process of withdrawable part and earth switch is analyzed. 为了实现对开关柜可抽出部件和接地开关的监控,详细分析了它们的操作工艺流程。
- The question of earthing switch(ES) switching induced current was present in this paper,the feature of static and electromagnetism induction of common-tower double-circuit lines was also present. 对接地开关开合感应电流的问题,同杆双回线路电磁感应和静电感应的特点,以及我国接地开关开合感应电流的应用现状和国内产品情况进行了介绍。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- For this new contract, ALSTOM will design and supply electrical equipment: high voltage transformers, earthing switches, vacuum circuit breakers, high speed circuit breakers and contactors. 根据新合同的要求,阿尔斯通将设计和提供的设备有:高压变压器、接地开关、真空断路器、高速断路器和接触器。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- The earth is only a speck in the universe. 地球在宇宙中只不过是一个小点罢了。
- Earth switch rated machine current 接地开额定动稳定电流
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?