- A heavy earthquake hit the city. 该城市遭受了一次强烈地震。
- A strong earthquake hit Wenchuan last year. 去年汶川发生了一场大地震。
- An earthquake hit the area abutting our province. 与我省邻接的地区遭受了一次地震。
- When the earthquake hit, everything in the office was vibrating. 地震来袭时,办公室的所有东西都在震动。
- I have heard a strong earthquake hit the island at 11:23 local time. 我听说当地时间11:23岛屿遭到了强烈地震。
- We really lucked out when we left L.A. Right before the earthquake hit. 在地震降临之前离开了洛杉矾,我们真是走运!
- If an earthquake hits, my whole body vibrates. 如果地震来时,我全身都在颤动。
- On may twelfth ,a terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan /A terrible earthquake hit Sichuan Province . 翻译(我自己的):在五月十二日,一个非常强烈的地震在汶川发生了/一个非常强烈的地震袭击了四川省。
- Rescue workers are digging through the rubbles, searching for survivors after a strong earthquake hit central Italy. 在异常强烈的地震肆虐意大利之后,救援人员正在乱石堆中挖掘,搜寻幸存者。
- Saturday's earthquake hit shortly before 9 a.m. local time in the rugged Hindu Kush mountains of northern Pakistan. 星期六的地震发生在当地时间九点之前,地点位于巴基斯坦北部,兴都库什山脉崎岖不平的山区。
- Survivors say they fled 15-foot waves after an 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit the region. 幸存者说,8.;0级地震引发的15英尺高的海浪袭击了该地区。
- A major earthquake hit northwestern China Friday near the border between Xinjiang and Tibet. 中国西北部新疆和西藏交界地区星期五发生强烈地震。
- Some seventy thousand government workers in San Salvador returned to their joBs today, just three days after an earthquake hit the city. 圣萨尔瓦多的大约七万名政府工作人员今天回到了他们的工作岗位。仅在三天前,这座城市遭受了地震的袭击。
- When the earthquake hit Sichuan last year, a disproportionate number of school buildings collapsed, killing thousands of children. 去年地震殃及四川时,很多的学校都倒塌了,数千名学生为此丧生。
- The earthquake hit in the early morning, at 03:42:53.8 local time (1976 July 27 19:42:53.8 UTC), and lasted for around 15 seconds. 地震发生在当地时间凌晨3点42分53.;8秒的时候(也就是UTC(协调世界时)1976年7月27日晚上7点42分53
- But the Chinese government is keener on emphasising the achievements made since the earthquake hit than on looking back at past mistakes. 但是中国政府只是强调灾后重建取得的成就,而不去直面过去的建筑问题。
- Workers position support beams to steady titling homes in San Francisco's Marina District after a disastrous earthquake hit the city in 1989. (在1989年一次灾难性地震严重的打击了这座城市后,工人们用梁来稳定在旧金山的滨海区家园。
- When the earthquake hit Sichuan last year, disproportion that a disproportionate number of school buildings collapsed, killing thousands of children. 中国政府第一次公布了在去年四川毁灭性大地震中遇难和失踪学生的官方数字,但是官方数据比先前估计的数据小了很多。
- A resident loots food from the Caribbean supermarket in downtown Port-au-Prince after a major earthquake hit the Haitian capital, January 14, 2010. 阿居民共抢得食品从市中心港口加勒比超市太子港后,一场大地震袭击了海地首都,2010年1月14号。
- May: A cyclone devastates Myanmar. A massive earthquake hits Sichuan. 5月:飓风侵袭了缅甸。大地震袭击四川。