- earthquake response properties 地震反应特性
- Soil dynamic parameters, including dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio, have important effects on the earthquake response of soil layer. 摘要土动力学参数即土的动剪切模量比和阻尼比,对土层地震反应分析结果有重要影响。
- Hu Weibing, The Earthquake Response Analysis of Isolation Structure with Piezoelectric Friction Damoper, Proc. Of IMAC-XXVI Conference,2008,2. 胡卫兵,电摩擦阻尼器半主动控制下的钢结构塔的地震反应分析,振动与冲击2007,8.
- The paper has associated the earthquake response of steel tower with long span under multi-point inputs by time domain analysis. 文章采用时程分析方法详细研究了多点地震输入对大跨度钢结构电视塔的影响程度。
- Jenning , P.C, 1965, ”Earthquake response of a yielding structure”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics , ASCE, Vol.91, pp41-68. 刘祥龙,”土壤结构互制系统在垂直振动下之最佳等值模式”,国立台湾科技大学营建工程系硕士论文,民国92年6月。
- We studied the echolocation calls and acoustic response properties in the inferior colliculus of the least horseshoe bat Rhinolophus pusillus. 研究了菲菊头蝠自由飞行状态下的回声定位信号和下丘神经元的声反应特性。
- Neither all of the hullabaloo surrounding the Olympics nor the Sichuan earthquake response significantly alters China’s developmental trajectory. 不管是围绕奥运会的喧嚣,还是对四川地震的反应,都不能真正改变中国的发展路径。
- The results indicate that viscous dampers consume earthquake input energy effectively, and reduce the earthquake response of the structure. 结果表明,粘滞阻尼器能有效地消耗地震输入能,减小结构地震响应。
- The principal content in this paper is the study for passive control systems of earthquake response of structure using SMA damper. 因此,对SMA耗能器及其结构被动控制方法进行研究,有着一定的理论意义和现实价值。
- Zhou Y, Yang Y, Zhou Z and Shou T (1998) Postsynaptic potential response properties to the nondominant Eye in the LGN cells of the cat.Biolophys.J., 74, A87. 周逸峰、陈林义、王大军、刘才远、寿天德(1997)正常组儿童图形视觉诱发电位的研究;中国儿童斜视与弱视临床眼科;5;58-62.
- The parameters which influencing the earthquake response of the slope, including the depth, the thickness, the obliquity of soft soil layer are analyzed. 研究表明:软夹层对边坡动力特性影响显著,在边坡设计和边坡稳定性分析中不能忽视;
- Classification of engineering site sort, reassessment of saturated sandy soil liquefaction and subsoil earthquake response analysis all depend on subsoil shear wave velocity. 建筑场地类别划分、地基饱和砂土液化判别、地震反应分析等都依赖于剪切波速,由于其重要性,对它的测定技术和精确程度应重点研究。
- A secondary development is applied to reinforce ANSYS with multi-transmitting boundary in order to be applicable to analysis of site earthquake response. 本文利用通用有限元分析程序ANSYS进行二次开发,引入多次透射边界以适用于场地地震反应分析。
- Amending method with consideration of effects of soft interbedded layer and li-quefaction layer on site index and design earthquake response spectrum is aiso presented. 对于场地土层中含有软弱夹层或液化土层的情况,本文还给出了考虑这些影响因素,对场地指数或设计地震动参数进行修正的方法。
- The paper introduces nonlinear analysis models and methods and their application in simulating the earthquake response and damage of building structures. 介绍了作者研究开发的结构三维弹塑性分析方法及其在建筑物震害研究中的应用。
- As a result, the earthquake coefficients of the 3-storeyed or lower wood-framed houses are proposed to adopt the maximum value of the earthquake response spectrum curve. 建议针对3层及以下的轻型木结构房屋,地震影响系数直接采用反应谱曲线中最大值。
- The horizontal and vertical earthquake response of an isolated bridge structure under multiple seismic ground motion excitations is analyzed in this paper. 摘要分析了多维地震动作用下隔震桥梁结构的水平向和竖向振动反应。
- Check the Response property of the exception to determine why the request failed. 检查异常的响应属性以确定请求失败的原因。
- response properties of soft soil 软土的动响应特性