- Grain-size and clay mineral characteristics of sediments under deep water ferromanganese crusts in the eastern Philippine Sea 东菲律宾海深水铁锰结壳发育站位沉积物的粒度及黏土矿物学特征
- eastern Philippine Sea 东菲律宾海
- He commanded aircraft-carrier attacks in the battles of the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf and at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. 他还指挥了航空母舰在菲律宾海战、雷伊泰湾战役,及对硫磺岛和冲绳岛的袭击。
- The features of Benioff zone along theboudaries between the Indian plate, Philippine Sea plate and Eurasian plate were studied. 研究了Benioff带的形态。
- The movements occurred are related to the movements of Pacific plate, Philippine Sea plate and India-Australia plate rela- tive to Eurasia. 这一系列运动的产生与南海周缘太平洋板块、菲律宾海板块和印度-澳大利亚板块在新生代期间与欧亚板块间的相对运动和相互作用有密切关系。
- We attempt to recover the paleoenvironments recorded in the accretion of a typical new-type hydrogenetic ferromanganese crust from the deep water areas of the East Philippine Sea. 摘要尝试恢复东菲律宾海新型深水水成富铁锰结壳典型样品生长过程中所记录的古海洋环境。
- We derived a plate elastic motion equation, and based on the new space geodetic data, create elastic motion models for Philippine Sea, Pacific and Australian plate. 推导了板块的弹性运动方程,由空间大地测量新的观测成果建立了菲律宾海、太平洋和澳大利亚板块的弹性运动模型。
- Taiwan is located at a part of the convergent boundary between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates.A lot of geotectonic problems are have been created by the convergent plates. 由于台湾位在欧亚大陆板块和菲律宾海板块的交界上,受到板块相互间的作用,产生了许多的地体构造。
- Tropical disturbance 93W over the Philippine Sea has intensified into a tropical depression. At 14 HKT, 93W was centred about 540 km (290 NM) ENE of Manila. 菲律宾以东的热带扰动93W已增强为热带低气压。在14HKT,93W集结在马尼拉东北偏东约540公里(290海里)。
- A new proxy of particulate organic material was optically determined in West Philippine Sea, and the optical data was firstly used to examine the suspended particle and POC variability. 论文以2004年在西菲律宾海获取的光学剖面资料为基础,首次将光学衰减系数作为悬浮有机颗粒的替代指标,对西菲律宾海上层水体悬浮颗粒及颗粒有机碳的时空分布和变化进行了研究。
- Along this trench the Philippine Sea plate is subducting under the Ryukyu island arc, as evidenced by the seismic reflection surveys, earthquake source locating results, and fault plane solutions of earthquakes. 海底地震反射探测和地震震源定位表明 ;菲律宾海板块沿海沟向琉球岛弧下俯冲 ;俯冲角度与深度沿海沟走向变化 .
- The movement resulted from collision between the Philippine Sea plate and Eurasian plate in the Mindoro Island during 13 MaBP, and from collision between the Australian plate and the Eurasian plate in the Sulawesi Island during 10 MaBP. 根据南海区域构造分析,产生这次构造运动的起因可能与菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块于13MaBP在民都洛岛处发生碰撞,以及澳大利亚板块和欧亚板块在苏拉威西岛处发生碰撞(10MaBP)有关。
- Hopes virtually vanished Sunday for finding survivors of typhoon-triggered mudslides that engulfed entire villages in the eastern Philippines, with the Red Cross fearing the death toll could reach 700. 周七寻找幸存者的希望几乎消失了台风引发泥石流席卷整个村庄在东部菲红十字会与害怕死亡人数可能会达到700人。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- Battle of the Philippine Sea takes place 菲律宾海战爆发
- He is interested in Eastern philosophy. 他对东方哲学感兴趣。
- It gives our little meals an eastern flavor. 它给我们的便餐增添了一种东方风味。
- She chose the room with an eastern exposure. 她选了一间朝东的房间。