- She was easy prey for dishonest salesmen. 她很容易地让奸商敲了竹杠。
- She fell an easy prey to his charm. 她一下子就被他迷住了。
- The baby fish are easy prey for birds. 这些小鱼很容易为鸟类捕获。
- A beast of prey He found her an easy prey. 他觉得她可欺。她为忧郁所折磨。
- My brother is an easy prey for scams. 我哥哥极易受骗。
- Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen. 老年人容易上狡诈推销员的当。
- They are seemingly strong creatures, but easy prey for fish. 它们看起来是很强壮的生物,但却是鱼的猎物。
- We are against the policy---the weak will stand an easy prey to the strong. 我们反对弱肉强食政策。
- They are seemingly helpless creatures, apparently easy prey for fish. 他们看上去是弱小的生物,显然很容易被鱼群捕获。
- He,with his simplicity and inexperience,was an easy prey for ambitious females. 由于单纯而缺乏经验;他常常轻易成为野心勃勃女子的牺牲品.
- He, with his simplicity and inexperience, was an easy prey for ambitious females. 由于单纯而缺乏经验,他常常轻易成为野心勃勃女子的牺牲品。
- After giving the Suns everything they could handle in 2006, the Lakers were easy prey . . . losing in five. 2006年在拿出他们的所有来对抗太阳后,湖人被轻易的“捕获”...五场比赛宣告失利.
- The assailant spotted the blind man at a train station and thought he would be easy prey. 当时这个强盗以为抢这位盲人的物品很容易得手.
- Passwords that show no imagination or distinctiveness are easy prey for information pirates, a new US study says. 美国的一项新的研究说;不显示图象或差异性的密码是很容易通过盗取信息而被盗的.
- Human space pirates, rogue AI computers that rebelled against humanity and Aliens roam space in search of easy prey and planets to conquer. 对抗人类和外星人的人类太空海盗以及游戏AI恶棍徘徊在太空中搜寻孱弱的猎物,破坏和占领行星。
- Qian Zhongshu bursts out laughing, say: "Peaceful prosperous, you can not bring anguine unkennel, come again however go after an easy prey. 钱钟书哈哈大笑,说:“泰昌,你没有能引蛇出洞,却又来瓮中捉鳖。”
- So victims of hardship and despair, whose human dignity is violated with impunity , become easy prey to the call to violence, so they can then become violators of peace. 所以,经受苦难和绝望的人,他们的尊严丝毫没有受到侵犯,他们很容易成为暴力的牺牲品,所以最后他们就成了违反和平的人。"
- He found her an easy prey. 他觉得她可欺。
- And so, drooling ice and huffing frost, the wendigos left her and sought easier prey. 在这个故事里,温迪格们代表将要来临的冬天。
- Slow moving goats, cattle or sheep are much easier prey than the fleetfooted indigenous prey. 移动缓慢山羊,牛或羊更容易捕食比fleetfooted土著猎物。