- The shelves are easy to assemble. 搁架容易装配。
- The bookcase is very easy to assemble. 这书架很容易组合。
- The bookshelves are easy to assemble. 这些书架很容易组装。
- Easy to use? easy to clean? easy to assemble. 日光牌简便烧烤架:好用,易清洗,方便组装。?
- This CDL tool is very easy to assemble and operate. CDL测井仪打捞工具现场组装快捷,操作方便。
- Using the outside chucking system, it is easy to assemble or disassemble, has high position accuracy. 具有轻便灵活的手动轴向进退刀机构,坡口质量好,加工效率高。
- Using the advanced inside chucking system, it is fixed firmly, easy to assemble or disassemble, has high position accuracy. 采用先进的内夹紧装置,夹紧牢固,装卸方便,定位准确。
- This kind of wagon has the characteristics of less tare weight, heavy capacity, high speed, more functions and easy to assemble and unassembled. 该车型具有自重轻、载重大、速度高、功能多、便于装卸的特点。
- Using the advanced inside chucking system,it is fixed firmly,easy to assemble or disassemble,has high position accuracy. 采用先进的内夹紧装置,夹紧牢固,定位准确,并且装卸方便;
- With the high spots of 'elegant appearance, portability, legerity and easy to assemble', it is the competitive first choice for the competitors in the market competition. 科一人将始终奉行“品质筑就品牌,细节决定成败”的发展方针,与新老客户携手合作,共创佳绩,开拓未来。
- The drawing cylinder of C7620 is very difficult to assemble and disassemble ; the oil seal of the drawing cylinder is easy to wear down faster and causes leakage. C7620车床的拉紧油缸在装配和拆卸时较为困难;密封圈磨损较快;且漏油现象严重.;针对这些问题;对油缸进行了改进
- It is not easy to get a foothold as an anchorman. 一个电视节目主持人要站住脚可不容易。
- He found it is easy to leave the house unobserved. 他发现很容易从这座房子溜走而不被发现。
- It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours. 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。
- It's not easy to rid oneself of a habit. 要改掉一个习惯是不容易的。
- You want to be looking at a cot that’s easy to assemble, safe for use, easy to store when junior outgrows it (or when not in use), convenient height of the bed so that you don’t have to bend too much. 你想寻找一种当你不用或者是婴儿长大了,床不够时可以组装的,使用安全系数高的,便于储藏的,高度适中的,不用你大幅度弯腰的婴儿床。
- It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事。
- Their cots they have purchased before from another vendor has a slotted end bar that slides over the protrusion making it easier to assemble. 大概的意思就是:他们之前想买的(吊床) 帆布床 在另一个有部分狭缝柜台的卖主跟前很容易的就收集到了.
- It is not easy to dig out the past. 发掘过去的历史是不容易的。
- At last he began to assemble his safety razor. 最后他开始安装安全刮脸刀。