- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Painting was then at its lowest ebb. 那时绘画艺术非常不景气。
- The economy of the country is at a low ebb. 该国的经济处於衰退阶段。
- Her biorhythms were at their lowest ebb. 她的生物周期正处最低潮。
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。
- An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不良的婚姻是恶运的来源。
- The ebb and flow of politics in Washington goes on as usual. 华盛顿的政治风云,一如既往,仍然变幻莫测。
- I am interested in the ten-week trip next spring. 我对明年春天为期10周的旅行感兴趣。
- Spring in East China usually sets in about March. 华东的春天一般约在三月开始。
- She was suffering a mysterious ebb and flow of mood. 她情绪一时高涨一时低落,令人捉摸不透。
- They started sailing on the ebb. 他们于退潮时出航了。
- The days are drawing out now that it's spring. 春天到来,白昼越来越长了。
- Arrive in summer exactly after spring. 春季以后就是夏季来临。
- It feels like spring festival already! 感觉好像春节已经到了似的!
- We plant trees and flowers in spring. 我们在春天种花种树。
- Spring rains bring summer flowers. 春雨带来了夏日百花。
- It's a pleasure to hear birds' warble in spring. 在春天里听鸟儿歌唱是一种乐趣。
- The scandal brought his credibility to its lowest ebb. 那件丑闻使他的信誉跌到最低点。
- The trees put forth buds and leaves in spring. 春天树木抽芽生叶。
- Our hope of winning began to ebb in the third round. 比赛进入第三回合时我们打赢的希望变得渺茫了。