- The sys tem, which is controlled by MCU, has the multi data display function. 具有数据显示、数据保存和参数控制功能。
- The principle of the sys tem and the matching algorithm is introduced. 介绍了该系统的原理及匹配算法。
- In India around the 5th century A.D. a sys tem of mathematics that made astronomical calculations easy was developed. 在大约公元五世纪的印度,一种计算体系使得天文学的发展变得容易。
- In fact, this view is based on the life attitude and manner, and has nothing to do with Tang's sys tem and policy. 从唐人自己的说法入手,可论证“亦官亦隐”并非子虚乌有,它与王维的山水田园诗创作关系密切。
- Neurofunctional deficits result from central nervous sys tem(CNS) injury, which is always a problem for neurosciences. 中枢神经系统损伤所致神经功能缺损的治疗一直是神经科学的难题之一。
- The whole sys tem has already passed verification in simulated logging environment. 整个系统已经通过模拟测井环境验证。
- This sys tem is characterized by high precision,good performence when repeated and high s peed. 该系统具有重复性好、精度高、测试速度快等优点。
- However, the environment has continued to worsen with problems related to atmospheric pollution, ecological disasters, water pollution and cities besieged by garbage. 但是,环境问题也日益严重,主要体现在严重的大气污染、生态环境的恶化、水域污染及垃圾围城。
- Creating huge material wealth for human beings,the industrial civilization brought about terrible ecological disasters to the environment in which we live,though. 工业文明在为人类创造了巨大的物质财富的同时,也给人类赖以生存的环境带来了巨大的生态灾难。
- One method is to filter the signal bef ore transmitting it in the channel in the low-frequency part of the chaotic sys tem. 一种改进的方法是在发射端用滤波器滤去混沌信号的高频部分 ,只传输低频部分。
- HCV-specific antibodies (anti-HCV Ab) in blood specimens were tested for HCV seropositive by the third-generation HCV ELISA sys tem. 以结构式意问卷透过受训访员晤谈,以收集C型肝炎传染之相关危险因子。
- The problems in a CAI system are di scussed,the design idea of a general hypertext CAI is put forward and a demo sys tem briefly introduced. 本文就目前CAI系统中存在的问题进行了讨论,提出了通用型超文本CAI的设计思想,并简要地介绍了我们规划和制作的具有一定通用性的超文本CAI系统。
- The design of the study involved two stages.The first, beginning in 2001, developed the scenario discussion with the WBI sys tem. 研究设计分为二部份,第一部份是于2001年发展网路化案例分析学习系统;
- The region has been declared an ecological disaster zone. 这个地区已经宣布为生态灾难区。
- The oil leak from the Exxon Valdez was an ecological disaster. 埃克森瓦尔迪兹号漏油事件是一个生态灾难。
- Three schemes of glucosed-reduced chrome tan Liquor recycling in pickling-tanning sys tem were studied by means of IEC and GRC methods. 本文采用离子交换色谱法和凝胶过滤色谱法对三种方案的葡萄糖还原铬鞣液浸酸铬循环废液进行了研究。
- Many believe that the world is on the brink of ecological disaster. 很多人认为世界正濒临生态浩劫边缘。
- We must now turn our attention away from the Kondratieff cycles and onto the long-term development of the modern world-system as an historical sys tem. 我们现在必须离开孔德拉提夫循环,转而关注现代世界体系作为一个历史体系的长期发展。
- The Risk Assessment and Regionalization of Ecological Disasters in Jilin Province,NE China[A]Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response[C], 2007 . 蒲金涌;姚小英;赵宏.;甘肃省天水市粮食安全生产初探[A]中国气象学会2007年年会生态气象业务建设与农业气象灾害预警分会场论文集[C];2007
- Objective To build a systematic, comprehensive, high efficient and maneuverable follow-up sys tem in multi-disciplinary team (MDT). 摘要目的在结直肠肿瘤多学科协作诊治模式下,建立系统化、全面、高效并且可操作性强的随访体系。