- ecological tourism management 保护对策
- Ecological tourism is a sort of brand-new travel style. 摘要生态旅游是一种新兴的旅游方式。
- Industrial eco-tourism is an organically combined tourism with industrial resources and ecological tourism. 产业生态旅游是指产业资源和生态旅游进行有机结合的一种旅游方式。
- In the paper, the programme of developing wetland ecological tourism is suggested. 本文对湿地生态旅游规划基本问题作了阐述。
- Qingdao, a namable city on earth for ecological tourism, is the host city for sailing boat games in 2008 Olympic Games. 青岛,一个世界着名的生态旅游城市,2008年奥运会帆船赛的主办城市。
- I like travelling,so i choose to come to beijing to major in Tourism Management. 因为我喜欢旅游,所以我选择来到北京学习旅游管理这个专业。
- At the same time, there is some sug gestions for tourist environmentprotection and tourism management. 同时还提出环境保护与治理的各项建议及加强旅游管理的一些设想。
- Cater,E.(1993)Ecotourism in the Thrid World:problems for substainable development. Tourism management, 14(2):85-90. 颜宏旭(1994)金门地区观光发展冲击认知之研究,国立中兴大学园艺研究所论文。
- Maoming has plenty of tourist resources, with great potentials in seaside tourism, agricultural ecological tourism and industrial sightseeing. 茂名旅游资源丰富,海滨旅游、农业生态旅游和工业观光旅游的潜力大。
- The construction of laboratories for Tourism Management is a complex system engineering. 旅游管理专业的实验室建设是一个复杂的系统工程。
- At the same time, Green Ecological tourism industry layed the foundation for sustainable development along the Great Wall of Qianxi,Hebei. 同时,也为河北迁西长城沿线地区绿色生态旅游事业的可持续发展奠定基础。
- Dr.Jeff Jiang is an Associate Professor of Special Event and Tourism Management at California State University, Chico. 江杰夫博士是美国加州州立大学奇科分校节事及旅游管理副教授。
- Gansu Province in 2003 and tourism management departments, classified as two-star tourist hotels. 2003年被甘肃省旅游管理部门,评定为二星级旅游饭店。
- At the same time,ecological tourism appeal to the tidal current of "Return to nature" and has become a new industry with its character of high profit,low development. 同时,生态旅游业以其高利润,低开发度的特点顺应现代人“回归自然”的潮流,成为自然保护区迅速发展的一项新产业。
- Economic development is not balanced in the City of Fuyang and its counties and districts; however, there are abundant resources of ecological tourism in the countryside. 摘要作为安徽省经济欠发达的皖西北地区,阜阳市周边及其各县区经济发展很不平衡,但乡村、生态旅游资源十分丰富。
- Bruce Prideaux.The role 0fthetransport system in destination development[J]. Tourism Management,Volume 21,Issue 1,February 2000,Pages 53-63. 卞显红;王苏洁.;交通系统在旅游目的地发展中的作用探析[J]
- In the following years ,tour guides who grasp tourism management knowledge as well as fluent english skills will become more popular. 在今后的几年中,既通晓旅游管理知识又精通英语的涉外导游必将成为职场的热门人才。
- Tourism Phenology is one option of the specific curricula of the Department of Tourism Management, College of Resources &Environment. 摘要旅游物候课程是我院旅游管理专业一门具有校本特色的专业选修课。
- Institute of Technology, Western medicine, and tourism management: test Language, Mathematics (PolyU), English, integrated physics and chemistry. 理工、西医、旅游管理类:考语文、数学(理)、英语、理化综合。
- Richard Sharpley Rural Tourism and the Challenge of Tourism Diversification:the Case of Cyprus Tourism management[J].23(2002)233-244. 李同升;马庆斌.;观光农业结构与功能研究[J]