- One of ecological crises people were facing was land salt-alkalinization. 土壤盐碱化是人类面临的生态危机之一。
- There appears a series of ecological crises in Minqing Oasis,because of the unreasonable utilization of water resources. 由于水资源的不合理利用等因素,导致民勤绿洲出现了一系列生态危机。
- However, in the course of mix ing “multi-metaphor” like metaphor on technology and that on ethnic ecology, m ankind finally surmounts ecological crises and ethnic conflicts caused by techno logy. 进而,在科技隐喻与民族生态隐喻等“多重隐喻”的功能交合辐射的过程中,人类超越自身而形成把握实在意义的方式与前景,最终形成对科技导致的生态危机与民族冲突的超越。
- Confucianism is one of the spiritual resources for us to solve the ecological crisis. 儒家思想是我们解决生态危机的精神资源之一。
- The rising of EA is a response in the aesthetic field of "the green revolution" led to by ecological crisis. 生态美学的兴起是生态危机引发的“绿色革命”在美学领域的回应。
- China faces an ecological crisis, but its environmental authorities are too weak to cope. 目前尽管中国面临生态危机,但是环境执法部门还没有强大到可影响整个国家的综合决策。
- Ecological crisis is the alienation of both the relationship between man and nature and that between man and man. 摘要生态危机是人与自然、人与人关系的双重异化。
- Abstract: Urban development is facing an ecological crisis as the destruction of environment. 文摘:随着环境污染日趋严重,现代城市建设面临着生态环境危机。
- This view of holism is important in practice when the present ecological crisis faces increasingly the human being. 当环境破坏作为文明危机日益展现在人类面前时,柏拉图的这一整体论见解尤其显得具有实践意义。
- Thus, the salvation of man from ecological crisis depends on the emancipation of man from crisis. 欲将生态从危机中拯救出来,须先将人从危机中解放出来。
- Nowadays,ecological crisis is a global environmental problem because of the artificial imposed reasons. 当今,由于人为的原因,生态危机已成为全球性的环境问题。
- Ecofeminism provides a new perspective for solving ecological crisis and emancipating females. 生态女性主义为我们对生态危机的解决和妇女的解放提供了一个全新的视角。
- Current ecological crisis is caused by the loss of balance between human and nature. 当前的生态危机主要是由于人与自然的关系失衡造成的。
- Serious study, research, the sum of these valuable ideas, to solve our ecological crisis has important inspiration. 认真学习、研究、总结这些宝贵的思想,对我们解决生态危机有重要的启示。
- China's past 15 years of reform have brought many successes, but markets alone cannot resolve the country's ecological crisis. 中国15年来市场经济的发展成就卓越,但市场本身不能解决环境公害问题。
- During the ecological crisis in cyber culture, the negative function of the loosing subjectivity, insolent and loosing control, all of these demands the reshape of subjectivity. 网络文化的生态危机,其实质是主体性发挥的失控,由此提出网络文化活动要“网络慎独”,回到自律、正确发挥主体性上来。
- Investigating the epic is helpful to improve the ecological ideology of modern people, which is important to solve the ecological crisis human beings face. 通过研究史诗所蕴涵的生态伦理传统,有助于提高现代人的生态意识,这对解决人类所面临的生态危机具有重要的现实意义。
- How and to what extent natural beauty came into being is a measurement for human getting rid of ecological crisis and for its putting into practice. 自然美在多大程度上生成和如何生成,是人类摆脱生态危机的一个尺度,也是生态伦理学落实到实践中的一个向度。
- The result of pursuing luxury and waste is self-disassimilation of human and ecological crisis .So it threatens survival and development of human. 这种追求奢侈和浪费的后果是造成了人的自我异化和生态危机的发生,从而威胁到人类的生存与发展。
- These points and information help us absorb wisdom and strength from Thorea's treasure-house of thoughts to solve the ecological crisis today. 这些观点材料有助于我们在生态现实危机重重的今天,从梭罗这位生态启蒙者的思想宝库中汲取智慧和力量。