- economic and secure currency 经济的和稳定的货币
- Greece must have help to import the goods necessary to restore internal order and security so essential for economic and political recovery. 只有在别国的帮助下得到这些必需品,希腊才能重整社会秩序和安全,才能复苏经济,恢复政治。
- But the money being spent now is especially noteworthy since park gates have never recovered from the economic and security traumas of 2001. 但是现在投入的资金数目是令人瞩目的,因为公园的门票收入还没有从2001年的经济和安全打击中恢复过来。
- Japan was drifting from close cooperation with Washington and was shifting its economic and security focus toward East Asia. 可译为“日本正背离同华盛顿的紧密合作关系,把经济和安全的重点转向东亚。
- American diplomats and military commanders in Iraq will provide reports about recent political, economic and security changes. 美国的外交官和伊拉克的司令官将提供关于目前伊拉克的政治,经济和安全转变的报告。
- In time, this enabled the rise of democracy, which offers all the economic and security benefits of scale but with less of the tiresome hierarchy. 该成就促成了民主的兴起。民主制度带来了规模化的经济和安全利益,又削减了让人厌烦的层级关系。
- Power politics and hegemony still exist in international political, economic and security realms and have further asserted themselves. 强权政治和霸权主义在国际政治、经济和安全领域中依然存在并有新的发展
- Reinstall handwheel and secure with retaining bolt. 重新安装手轮,用固定螺栓加固。
- At the 10+3 summit,leaders of 10 ASEAN countries and China,Japan,the Republic of Korea had a thorough exchange of views on cooperation in political,economic and security area. 在10+3会议上,东盟10国与中国、日本、韩国领导人就在政治、经济与安全领域的合作充分交换了意见。
- To roll up and secure(a sail); furl. 收卷(风帆);卷紧
- On the other hand, worries about principles prove no barrier to economic and security ties where countries like Saudi Arabia or Uzbekistan are concerned. 另一方面,像沙特和乌兹别克斯坦担心经济和安全关系的原则将得不到保障。
- Wear and secure your safety belt. 戴上并系好安全带。
- But the new Israeli leader has said future Israeli-Palestinian peace talks should focus on economic and security matters rather than Palestinian statehood. 但是,新的以色列领导人已经表示,未来的巴以和谈应集中于经济和安全问题,而不是巴勒斯坦独立的国家地位。
- He felt comfortable and secure beneath the tent. 他在帐篷里感到无忧无虑,十分安逸。
- Cathay Pacific Fund, said China's economic bottom as well as the determination of the economic and security policy, making A shares to reduce systemic risk. 国泰基金表示,中国经济触底以及政府保经济的决心和政策,使得A股的系统性风险降低。
- Lash and secure all the movable equipment. 固定各种活动件。
- Both leaders have said they want to break North Korea from its pattern of provocation and negotiation for economic and security gains and seek more stable behavior from it. 两国总统都说,他们希望使朝鲜脱离先挑衅、再通过谈判获得经济和安全好处的模式,争取朝鲜的行为更为稳定。
- To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge. 找寻庇护所建起或住进一个温暖而安全的避难所
- I like a confident and secure lady. 我喜欢有信心和有保障的淑女。
- Do not politicize economic and trade issues. 不把经贸问题政治化。