- economic great leap 经济大跃进
- There has been a great leap in the number of births in these past five years. 这五年来,出生人数有很大的增长。
- If not, it could be a great leap backwards. 否则,大踏步的倒退就有可能接踵而至。
- Kristin Marloney shows a great leap 0n beam. 克里斯汀·马洛尼在平衡木表演了一个大跳的动作。
- The Great Leap Forward started in 1958. 大跃进是在一九五八年开始的。
- He called the campaign the Great Leap Forward. 他把这场运动叫做“大跃进”。
- What is needed is the great leap forward, a dynamic surge to close the gap and thus ward off a serious economic danger. 我们所需要的是向前的一个大跳跃,充满动力的缩小差距,才能阻止严重的经济危险。
- We might call it a leap,but unlike the Great Leap Forward of 1958,it did not damage the structure and mechanisms of economic development as a whole. 那五年的加速发展,也可以称作一种飞跃,但与“大跃进”不同,没有伤害整个发展的机体、机制。
- But in 1958 we made a mistake by initiating the Great Leap Forward. We neglected the laws governing economic development and consequently production dropped. 后来,在一九五八年,我们犯了错误,搞大跃进,开始不尊重经济规律了,这就使生产下降了。
- Great Leap Sideways: Some Remarks on Modern Chinese Poetry. 大跃侧诗话。
- Most of the Chinese in the 1950s thought the Great Leap Forward would catapult China into the ranks of industrialized countries. 五十年代的大多数中国人相信大跃进会使中国挤入工业化国家之列。
- In 1958, the Great Helmsman declared the Great Leap Forward. 在1958年伟大的中国舵手的号召下要全中国大跃进。
- Great Leap Forward period braggadocio atlas, ha-ha!!! 首页>>军事历史>>大跃进时期的吹牛图集,哈哈!!!
- It's a great leap forward for crafters and non-crafters alike! 这对于工匠们以及一般消费者来说是一个非常大的跃进!
- We might call it a leap, but unlike the Great Leap Forward of 1958, it did not damage the structure and mechanisms of economic development as a whole. 那五年的加速发展,也可以称作一种飞跃,但与“大跃进”不同,没有伤害整个发展的机体、机制。
- The Central Government decided to establish the People's Communes, and Chairman Mao called for a “Great Leap Forward” in economic production. 中央政府决定建立人民公社,毛主席号召经济生产“大跃进”。
- Twenty million Chinese perished of hunger under Mao's Great Leap Forward. 在毛泽东的大跃进时代,饿死了两千万人。
- The Great Leap Forward of 1958-1959 initially produced gains in agricultural and industrial production, but subsequently resulted in serious economic imbalances. 1958"1959年的“大跃进”最初在工农业生产上带来收益,但随后又导致了严重的经济平衡。
- Economic production and consumption were collectivized, as Pol Pot and his circle mobilized the entire population to launch a "super great leap forward. 波尔布特集团动员起全部人口,发动了“超级大跃进”。在这一过程中,经济生产和消费都被集体化了。
- When the Great Leap Forward started,was there anyone who opposed it? 大跃进开始时,有哪个人反对过?