- economic information website 经济信息网站
- China Economic Information Network Zhejiang Center. 中国经济信息杂志。
- To remind the authorities that this is the intention of the province of private enterprise to do consulting work for National Defense, or log on the provincial economic and trade information website. 有关部门提醒,有此意向的民营企业可以向省国防科工办咨询,或者登录省经贸委网站查询相关信息。
- Hardened-PHP: not as such a PHP security information website, but it does have security advisories. 增强PHP:不仅仅是一个PHP安全新的网站,它还提供安全建议。
- Clearly, classifying information website is the sale channel of very good low devoted tall redound. 显而易见,分类信息网站是很好的低投入高回报的营销渠道。
- River news and information website run by Yunnan University; special focus on the Nu River (Mekong) and Lancang River (Salween). 云南大学下属的关于河流新闻信息的网站。它特别关注怒江和澜沧江的开发情况。
- Economic information warfare, blocking or channelling information to pursue economic dominance. 经济信息战。通过封锁或传播信息实行经济上的控制。
- Obviously, the National can not accommodate so many classified information website, Xi'an is unable to accommodate, then blood will be inevitable. 很明显,全国容纳不了这么多的分类信息网站,西安市更是容纳不了,那么血战将不可避免。
- Economic Information Consultancy: provide the economic information to those who need it. 经济信息咨询:针对不同行业提供相关信息咨询。
- This article briefly introduces the strategy and pri- mary contents of user management on information website mainly from the point of view of Intranet safety. 主要从Intranet的安全角度,简要介绍Web信息网站用户管理的策略和主要内容。
- China is to build a national economic information network to accelerate the transition to a socialist market economy. 中国将建立一个全国性的经济信息网。以加快向社会主义市场经济的转变。
- A well structured informative website also receives more return visitors. 架构比较好的网站往往能获得更多的回头客。
- Accounting: The process of identifying, recording, summarizing, and reporting economic information to decision makers. 会计:识别,记录,汇总,并报告经济信息给决策者的程序。
- Traditional entertainment, download kind of website to live hard, portal of electronic business affairs, place and trade information website replace gradually predominate. 传统的娱乐、下载类网站生存艰难,电子商务、地方门户以及行业资讯网站则取而代之逐渐成为主流。
- However,some of the children have divulged economic information,become involved in intelligence networks or sold information and documents. 但是,现在确有个别干部子弟泄露经济情报,卷入了情报网,出卖消息,出卖文件。
- However, some of the children have divulged economic information, become involved in intelligence networks or sold information and documents. 但是现在确有个别干部子弟泄露经济情报,卷入了情报网,出卖消息,出卖文件。
- Accounting information is economic information which reflects value movement status of accounting subject gaining from accounting practice. 摘要会计信息是人们通过会计实践获得反映会计主体价值运动状况的经济信息。
- The national public economic information net has been initiated and organized by the China Association for Science and Technology. “金桥工程”是由中国科协发起并组织实施的。
- Issue and publish internal publications to timely pass the technical and economic information and propagandize the industrial development. 10、组织分会成员交流企业改革和企业管理的先进经验,受企业委托,开展企业管理咨询活动。
- One, the information of quantitative statistic economy of economic information is aeriform for its content itself.But it always should depend on in.. 一、经济信息的数量统计经济信息就其内容本身来说是无形的.但它总要依附在...