- Frey, B., and A. Stutzer. "What Can Economists Learn from Happiness Research?" Journal of Economic Literature 40, no. 2 (2002): 402-35. 经济学家从快乐研究中能够学到什么?〉《经济文献期刊》,40卷,第2期(2002年):402-35页。
- Pranab Bardhan. Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues [J]. Journal of Economic Literature,Vol. XXXV, September 1997. 1320. 南非)罗伯特克利特加德.控制腐败[C].北京:中央编译出版社;1998.87.
- Pauly, Mark V. (1986), Taxation, Health Insurance and Market Failure in the Medical Economy, Journal of Economic Literature, 24, June,pp.629-75. 事实上在美国由于“所得税法”等原因的激励作用大约90%25以上的雇主以福利的形式为其雇员集体购买私人医疗保险。
- Pindyck, Robert S.,"Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Investment", Journal of Economic Literature Vol.XXIX(Sept 1991),pp1110-1148. 青木昌彦:;中译本;上海远东出版社;2001年版.
- The economic literature on the payoff of graduating from an elite college, however, as opposed to any college, is far less conclusive. 意为:以名牌私立大学---相对于一般大学而言---毕业生所获得的报偿为依据而做的经济调查报告,却并非如此令人信服。
- Gately.D."A Ten-Year Retrospective on OPEC and the World Oil Market." Journal of Economic Literature,1984,22(3),pp.1100-1114. 已探明石油储量被定义为在现在的市场价格和技术条件下;可以开采出来并且有利可图的那部分石油储备.
- Rozelle's papers have been published in top academic journals, including Science, Nature, American Economic Review, and the Journal of Economic Literature. 在中国,熟悉他的人都喊他老罗,知道他除了工作以外,生活中最不可缺少的就是咖啡。
- Clarida,Richard,Jordi Gali,and Mark Gertler,1999,"The Science of Monetary Policy:A New Keynesian Perspective," Journal of Economic Literature,Vol.37,No.4,pp.1661-1707. 夏斌廖强.;货币供应量已不宜作为当前我国货币政策的中介目标[J]
- Hermalin B E, M S Weisbach. Boards of Directors as an Endogenously Determined institution: A Survey of the Economic Literature [C]. NBER Working Paper, 2002. 作者简介:刘海鹰(1976-),女,山东轻工业学院经济管理学院,研究方向:公司治理。
- Journal of Economic Literature. 经济文献杂志》刊载经济学论文、书评和近期经济期刊的书目和目次。
- In summer last year the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, asked me to examine the economics of climate change, basing the analysis on sound science and the latest economic literature. 去年夏天,财政部大臣戈登布朗曾要求我在全面分析科学数据和研究最新经济文献的基础上,研究气候变化的经济学原理。
- In a new paper* John Vickers of Oxford University surveys the economics literature and concludes that a hands-off approach is far from ideal. 就是说,创新能力的竞争越来越激烈,那是一种并驾齐驱,竞相成为有实力的大公司的战斗。
- The book surveys shelf after shelf of the economics literature but in such skilful hands it does not feel like a dutiful trip to the library. 本书参阅大量经济学文献,但作者娴熟的运用能力却使读者并不感到本书参考过大量书籍。
- economic literature of enterprises 企业外宣资料
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。
- They had led the country into economic disaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。
- Through the summaries of economic literatures, it was also found that land fragmentation would incur scale diseconomy, decrease total income of rural household and waste rural labors. 通过对相关经济学文献的整理,证实了农地细碎化的存在阻碍了农业生产规模效益的提高,降低了农户收入水平,浪费了农村劳动力;
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?
- Economic depression often follows war. 经济不景气常因战争所致。