- Therefore, the develop economy, enhances people's economic potentiality is basic. 所以,发展经济、提高人们的经济实力是根本。
- More is these economic potentiality formidable country, its national strategy more is defined, more is steadfast. 越是那些经济实力强大的国家,它的国家战略就越是明晰,越是坚定不移。
- The geographical position is superior, economic potentiality is abundant, relationship is formidable, business is developing smoothly. 公司地理位置优越,经济实力雄厚,关系网络庞大,业务蒸蒸日上。
- The transformation of the industrial structure is the important power to promote the regional economy and enhance economic potentiality. 产业结构转换是推动区域经济增长、增强经济实力的重要动力。
- Regardless of being stems from the economic potentiality, the team technique and tactics or the cohesive force aspect consideration, Nix cuts Mabry as if in the reason. 无论是出于经济实力、球队技战术还是凝聚力方面的考虑,尼克斯裁掉马布里似乎都在情理之中。
- The entire place grave scale is big, the structure is fastidious, obviously the grave master has the suitable economic potentiality and the social position. 整座墓葬规模较大,结构讲究,可见墓主人具有相当的经济实力和社会地位。
- As the new century unfolds, China's economic potential is enormous. 下一世纪即将到来,中国的经济发展无可限量。
- As the new century unfolds,China's economic potential is enormous. 下一世纪即将到来,中国的经济发展无可限量。
- First China has the formidable economic potentiality, next China also has, although did not calculate the apex, but may make the third world “stares dumbfounded” the science and technology as before. 首先中国拥有强大的经济实力,其次中国也具有虽然不算顶尖但是依旧可以令第三世界“瞠目结舌”的科技。
- In the meantime, the economic potential of the western regions could be tapped to a deeper degree. 同时西部经济的潜力将得到更大的释放。
- These states, then, came under British rule as a result of patrilineal misfortune, not economic potential. 虽然是由于父系继承制的不幸,而非经济潜力的问题才导致的这些领地沦为大英帝国的统治区。
- But it is debatable whether the Brics have anything more in common than their size and economic potential. 但是,金砖四国除了规模和经济潜力之外,是否还有其它共同点,存在争议。
- Given the chained economic potentials, they are subject to persecution both behaviorally and spiritually. 穷人没有在经济上解放自己的能力,行为和心灵上难免就要受到伤害。
- In view of that situation, the application of intellectual property rights for traditional knowledge and folklore carried true economic potential. 有鉴于此,针对传统知识和民间文化艺术适用知识产权,具有切实的经济潜力。
- China's securing a seat in the WTO offers an impressive market package-the great promise of the Chinese market held out by Its economic potential. 中国获得世贸组织的席位为世界提供了一个令人瞩目的大市场-其经济发展潜力所带来的巨大市场机遇。
- This was the grim fact identified by Thomas Malthus, an English demographer, that a country's economic potential was limited by its food supply. 这就是英国人口学家马尔萨斯发现的可怕事实:一国经济之潜力受制于食品的供应。
- Spirulina blue can be used as natural colorants and proteins additive for food and cosmetics.Therefore it has widely economic potential. 藻蓝既可用作色素又可作为蛋白质营养强化剂,具有极大的开发应用价值。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- The tilting train is a way of high-speed railways suiting for the situation ofour railways and country, which has great economic potential. 我国是一个幅员辽阔、山区铁路众多的发展中国家,摆式列车技术的应用具有巨大的潜力。
- In view of Taiwan's economic potential, the Hotel Royal Taipei has focused on serving a business clientele from the first. 老爷大酒店看中台湾经济发展的潜力,投资之初就打定主意,做商务旅客的生意。