- economic profit model 经济利润模型
- Relative market share profit model. 相对市场份额越大,企业越能够盈利。
- The necessity, design and economic profit of general-purpose brick model for torpedo tanker are stated. 简要论述了鱼雷罐车内衬砌筑用砖改为通用砖型的必要性,详述了通用砖型的设计及其产生的经济效益。
- Economic profit is a future-and-policymaking-oriented profit. 经济利润是面向未来面向决策的利润。
- How to gain economic profit at the premise of continual development? 如何在维持可持续发展的前提下获得经济效益?
- After all, asking them to complete their own good at subverting the traditional profit model is not easy. 毕竟,要他们彻底颠覆自己擅长的传统盈利模式并不容易。
- In a certain meaning, reader become the " tool" of writer and publisher to obtain the economic profit. 与此同时,读者也被简化为经济数字,某种意义上,是作家和出版商为取得经济利润的“工具”。
- In engineering quantity list bidding,making good use of aggregative unit price can bring notable economic profit. 在工程量清单投标中,灵活运用综合单价会给投标单位带来显著的经济效益。
- IGA as a new profit model has been the prospect of an increasing number of enterprises by the recognition of the value of the media platform is being gradually mining. IGA作为一种新赢利模式的前景已经被越来越多的企业所认可,游戏平台的媒体价值正被逐步挖掘。
- Some boxing events and free combat events,which blindly seek economic profit,have already deviated from the sports spirits to a large extend. 比如: 有某些一味追求经济效应的拳击项目、自由搏击项目等,很大程度上已经偏离了体育精神。
- EVA is the real economic profit which equals net profit after tax minus allassets cost including stock ownership and debts. 经济增加值(va)从税后净利润中扣除包括股权和债务的所有资金成本后的真实经济利润。
- Zheng Shiling, from Tongji University, said the conservation policy is largely stimulated by economic profit instead of historical value. 来自同济大学的郑时龄认为保护政策受到来自经济利益的刺激远大于历史价值。
- By adding bond in sintering mixture, we got following results: higher pellet yield, better sinter-bed permeability and good economic profit. 烧结混合料中配加粘结剂后提高混合料的成球率,改善了烧结料层的透气性,取得了好的经济效益。
- The process to produce manganese-nodular-iron balls with phosphoricping iron, its features and economic profit are introduced. 介绍了利用高磷生铁制取中锰球铁磨球的工艺过程和特点及显著的经济效益。
- The program of BFA has also made remarkable economic profits. BFA项目还有着显著的企业经济效益。
- So, little scale household can acquire great economic profit and grasp advanced postharvest technique with little investment. 从而使小规模农户,以较少的资金投入,具备了先进的保鲜技术,获得较大的经济效益。
- This paper discusses the profit models of urban rail transit(URT) from the view of institutional economics. 从制度经济学的角度对轨道交通企业的盈利模式进行了探讨。
- How to make the plan to blow up after overhaul and fast reach the production index in No. 4(918 m~3) blast furnace of Han Steel are introduced,good economic profit got. 对邯钢4号高炉(918 m3)大修后开炉方案的制定和开炉后快速达产的生产实践进行了分析,本次对4号高炉大修取得了良好的经济效益。
- The theory of Journal selling for three times is put forward by the Euramerican media and afterward widely applied as a profitable model. 期刊“三次售卖”理论,是欧美发达国家媒体在经营期刊中提出来的。 它作为期刊经营的盈利模式被广泛应用。
- After many years of hard efforts, Anyuan has developed into a modern heavy industrial specialized enterprise with certain scale and increasing economic profit and social profit. 经过多年来的辛勤建设,安远已发展成具有相当规模,经济效益和社会效益日益增长的现代化重工专业企业。