- economic regional difference 区域经济差异
- Studies on Regional Difference of Social Pension Solvency in China. 中国基本养老保险基金偿付能力的地区差异分析。
- Today, Basel is the most successful economic region in Switzerland. 现在,巴塞尔是瑞士最成功的经济地区。
- Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world. 亚洲仍然是世界上经济发展最具活力的地区。
- economical regional difference 区域经济差异
- These two regions differ greatly in climate. 这两个地区气候差异很大。
- The regions differ in size, but not in kind. 这些地区大小各异,但类型相同。
- Luce also takes a stab at explaining the big regional differences in economic development within India. 他还试图解释印度经济发展中存在的巨大地区差异。
- An analysis of the regional difference at the prefecture and county levels in Yunnan reveals that the mode is a pyramid one. 通过对云南地级区域和县级区域的经济差异状况分析,发现云南现在的区域经济差异模式是金字塔型。
- The paper analyzes regional difference of population change in Kyoto from 1990 to 1997 firstly. 本文以日本京都市为研究对象,分析京都市1990年至1997年人口变化的地域差异。
- As the world's most robust economic region, China has attracted worldwide attention with its remarkable achievement over the past two decades. 中国作为世界上最有活力的经济区域在过去二十年里以其显著的成就引起了全球的广泛注意。
- With a four-sector model, this paper explores regional difference of multiplier effects in China. 摘要本文测度各省四部门乘数及其差异。
- Then, a politically and unreformed and assertive China could be calling the shots in the most vibrant economic region of the world. 那时,自信的中国将掌控这个世界上经济最活跃的地区。
- As far as the whole nation is concerned, ECRC features wide coverage of families and remarkable regional difference. 就全国而言,城市居民子女受教育的特点是就读子女家庭覆盖面广,地区差异明显。
- The Nan-Gui-Kun economic region (NGKER) plays an important role as the western exploitation's South Alt, which is an indispensable part in our regional economic pattern. 南贵昆经济区是西部地区“南翼”的一个重点开发区域,是我国区域经济格局中不可缺少的组成部分。
- Seeing from the space, there are regional difference about shifts in labour force, and space current and rural discontinuity. 从空间上看,我国劳动力转移就业存在区域差异性、空间流动性、乡村城市不连续性。
- The economic region of the Pan-Bohai Sea is a concept of the Historical Economy Geography, it is different from the administrative region of the Pan-Bohai Sea. 摘要“环渤海经济区”并不是一个边界固定的经济区域,其形状、范围和经济关联度,都随着沿海港口城市经济辐射力的强弱而不断地发生变化。
- The results show that:(1)The distribution of temperature and salinity present obvious regional difference in both the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea. 研究表明 :(1 )该两海域温、盐度的分布有着明显的区域性差异。 楚科奇海的温、盐度普遍低于白令海。
- By posing as part of an economic region embracing Taiwan, Fujian played up to China's strategy of using economic integration to entice Taiwan into unification with the mainland. 以包括台湾的经济区域的一员的姿态,福建巧妙地迎合了中国用经济整体性吸引台湾与大陆统一的策略。
- Regional difference in lower-level temperature DV is a climatic phenomenon that often emerges in this wet season of east Asia. 气候分析表明低层温度场日变化的区域性差异是东亚梅雨季节经常存在的一种气候现象。