- Building the harmonious society is great system engineering, and should pay attention to the integrality of social and economic system. 构建社会主义和谐社会是一个大的系统工程,应着眼于社会经济系统的整体性。
- People shall not be regarded as subservient to the economic system. 不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸。
- People should not be regarded as subservient to the economic system. 不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸。
- Systems engineering theory methods and applying II. 系统工程理论、方法与应用2。
- Frontiers of systems engineering. 系统工程前沿论丛。
- This economic system is working in inefficiency. 经济体制效率不高。
- Course Introduction; What is Systems Engineering? 课程导论:何谓系统工程?
- A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock. 畜牧主义以喂养或放牧家畜为基础的社会和经济系统
- Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering Co., Ltd. 北京富士通系统工程有限公司。
- PSE Power System Engineering Inc. 电力系统工程公司。
- What type of economic system does the U.S. Have? 美国奉行甚么形式的经济体制?
- China Electronic System Engineering Co. 中国电子系统工程总公司。
- We are reforming our economic system. 我们正在改革我们的经济体制。
- Hebei Zhongwei Network System Engineering Co.,Ltd. “河北中卫网络系统工程有限公司”如何翻译?
- economic systems engineering 经济系统工程
- Knowledge is being used pervasively in the overall economic system. 知识与资讯正全面渗透到整个经济运作过程中去。
- The bottom-line test of any economic system is whether it works. 对任何经济制度的最终检验要看其是否有效。
- It is both a long stratagem task and systems engineering. 它既是一项长期战略任务,又是一个系统工程。
- He contrasted the two different economic systems in his speech. 他在演讲中对比了两种不同的经济制度。
- Efficacy evaluation of C3I is a complex systems engineering. 指挥自动化系统效能评估是一项复杂的系统工程。