- George Bush's entire economic team heads to China. Why? 为何整个布什经济小组都奔中国而去?
- Panetta says as soon as the economic team is in place Mr. 帕内塔说:“希望下一步是尽早组建经济团队,因为现在重要的移交议题是经济危机。
- Leaders of Mr.Obama's economic team took to the airwaves Sunday. 总统的经济团队星期天接受了各大电视台的采访。
- Lindsey was eased out later in a shake-up of Bush's economic team. 不久,林德赛在布什经济小组的人员变动中被解雇了。
- On this vital link, economic team of Bush begins to be oppugned. 在这个节骨眼上,布什的经济班子开始受到质疑。
- Obama said Richardson will play a key role on his economic team as Secretary of Commerce. 在上个月举行的总统大选中,奥巴马赢得了拉美裔选民三分之二的选票。
- The White House economic team hopes to build confidence in the economy and settle bipartisan criticism. 白宫经济团队希望在经济上建立信心并平息两党的批评声音。
- The NEC director is traditionally the honest broker of the economic team's ideas. 国家经济委员会主任传统上来说是经济团队思想的忠实代理人。
- The economic team was adamantly opposed to including health care in the budget, and they had good reasons, too. 经济小组却坚决反对把医保计划纳入到预算案中,他们的理由也很充分。
- Each morning he gets a memo prepared the previous night by the CEA and the Treasury, then spends about 30 minutes with his economic team. 每天早晨,他都会收到一份由CEA(经济顾问理事会)和财政部于前晚准备的备忘录,之后会花大约30分钟和他的经济团队呆在一起。
- The denials come one day after two top members of President Barack Obama's economic team declined to rule out tax hikes. 在奥巴马经济团队的两名高级成员拒绝排除增税之后一天,白宫宣布拒绝该计划。
- Some Richardson supporters had hoped he would be named secretary of state, but Mr. Obama said Richardson will play a key role on his economic team as Secretary of Commerce. 有些理查森的支持者曾经希望他能被任命为国务卿,但是奥巴马说,作为商务部长,理查森将在他的经济团队中扮演一个关键的角色。
- President Obama spoke at the end of a meeting with U.S. central bank head Ben Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and other members of his economic team. 奥巴马总统是在和美联储主席伯南克、财长盖特纳以及经济团队的其他成员开完会后做出上述表态的。
- "I think we are moving aggressively to build up that core economic team, the national security team, and you will see announcements when they are ready," said John Podesta. 波德斯塔是奥巴马过渡小组的领导人。他在接受福克斯电视台周日节目的采访时被问到关于政府需要尽快行动稳定金融市场的问题。
- Mr Summers did not offer any specific comment on the mooted “aggregator bank”. The Obama economic team has discussed the possible creation of such a vehicle with officials. 萨默斯没有具体评述拟议中的“集合银行”。奥巴马经济班子曾与官员们探讨过设立这样一个机构的可能性。
- I think we are moving aggressively to build up that core economic team, the national security team, and you will see announcements when they are ready, said John Podesta. 他说:我认为我们正积极地建立金融小组的核心,国家安全小组,当我们准备好时你将看到我们的公告。
- President Barack Obama's economic team is now calling for an unprecedented stimulus of large budget deficits and zero-interest rates to counteract the recession. 美国总统欧巴马的经济小组正打算大幅提高预算赤字,并透过零利率政策,制造空前的刺激,以对抗经济衰退。
- President Obama's economic team are doing their best to lift the gloom and talk up the positives about the US economy, the BBC's Jonathan Beale reports from Washington. 总统奥巴马的经济团队在尽他们的最大的努力去解除美国经济的昏暗和提高明亮度,BBC记者JONATHANBEALE在华盛顿报道。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Panetta, Alice Rivlin, and our economics team believed we could now get to balance in seven years without the harsh cuts the Republicans were pushing. 帕内塔、爱丽丝.;瑞芙琳和我的经济政策小组坚信,如果没有共和党大力推行的大幅度削减计划,我们就可以在七年内取得平衡。