- economic theory of democracy 民主经济论
- The respect to other cultures in the multiculturalism base on Cavell's theory of democracy is also a kind of conquest. 基于这种理论基础上的文化多元论对他 种文化的尊重实际上也只能是征服式的尊重。
- Kautsky's theory of democracy and socialism is very valuable for contemporary Chinese socialist construction both in theory and in reality. 摘要考茨基关于“民主与社会主义”的理论对于今天的社会主义建设具有重要的理论和现实价值。
- The value theory of labor is the foundational theory in the system of the socialist economic theory. 劳动价值论是社会主义经济理论体系中的基础理论。
- The main intention of Habermas' theory of the public sphere is to reconstruct the normative ideal of democracy through investigating the bourgeois public sphere. 摘要哈贝马斯构建公共领域学说的主旨是通过对资产阶级公共领域的研究,重建规范的民主理想。
- Greece is the home of democracy. 希腊是民主的发祥地。
- Economic Theory of New Democracy and Its Practical Significance 新民主主义经济理论及其现实意义
- He actively propagandized the ideas of democracy and enlightenment, including the theory of human rights, view of the federation and the state and the party government and so on. 提倡民主自由,要求社会平等,呼唤独立人格,试图唤起国民的民主意识和参政意识,为民主共和政治目标的实现奠定基础。
- Hart, O. and Holmstrom, B., 1987, "Theory of Contracts" in Advances in Economic Theory, Fifth Word Congress, T. F. Bewley(ed.), Cambridge Uni. Press. 奥利弗·威廉姆森,1971:《生产的纵向一体化:市场失灵的考察》,《企业制度与市场组织》第9页,上海三联书店,上海人民出版社1996年版。
- What Determines the Importance of Economic Theory? 经济理论的重要性决定于什么?
- Effective demand theory is the basis of Keynesian economic theory, the theory of state intervention is the core content of his economic theory. 凯恩斯经济理论的基础是有效需求理论,国家干预理论是其经济理论最核心的内容。
- In the GE-Honeywell case, Mario Monti, Europe's competition commissioner at the time, deployed a largely untested economic theory of “bundling”. 通用-霍尼韦尔案例中,欧盟竞争力执委蒙堤在期间利用了未经测试的“捆绑”经济理论。
- Karl Marx couldn't invent "human capital" theory, so it is inappropriate to expound Marx's economic theory of "human" with the logic of "human capital". 摘要马克思不可能有“人力资本”理论,用“西方人力资本”的逻辑来解读马克思关于“人”的经济论述是不适当的。
- The economic theory of auditor independence (DeAngelo 1981) suggests that auditors incentive to compromise their independence are related to client importance. 摘要审计独立性的经济理论认为审计师牺牲独立性的动机与客户的重要性有关。
- Then, people is right of labor theory of value no matter arise with distribution according to work,baffle, meanwhile, economic theory bound is created around value and society.. 于是,人们对劳动价值论的一无论和按劳分配产生困惑,与此同时,经济理论界围绕价值创造和社会...
- CAVES D W.CHRISTENSEN L R and DIEWERT W E.The economic theory of index numbers and the measurement of input,output and productivity[J].Econometrica,1982,50:1393-1414. 潘文卿.;外商直接投资对中国工业部门的外溢效应:基于面板数据的分析[J]
- We tore from them the mask of democracy. 我们撕下了他们民主的假面具。
- Her mastery of economic theory impressed the professors. 她对经济理论的精通给教授们留下了深刻的印象。
- What are the principles of democracy? 民主制度的原则是什么?
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。