- economy service life 经济使用年限
- Nonpoisonous light and long service life. 无毒、质轻、使用寿命长。
- Ah, yes. Now what about service life? 哦,好的。关于使用寿命呢?
- Lengthens the engine service life. 延长发动机使用寿命。
- Elastic sealing, no leakage and long service life. 弹性密封,零泄漏,使用寿命长。
- Good sealing,wear-resising,longer service life. 密封可靠,耐磨损,使用寿命长。
- Brand new bearing prolongs the service life. 全新轴承,增加使用寿命。
- Stellite 6 seating faces for long service life. 钨铬钴合金6阀座面,使用寿命更长。
- The cloth bag has long service life and can be changed easily. 清灰装置耗能低,每小时用电小于、布袋使用寿命长,更换简单方便。
- Of combusting arc, and improve the service life of load fuse box. 和消弧材料的损耗,以提高载熔件的使用寿命。
- It is to will guide illicit collect fund to be hypostatic economy service, serve for the industry. 一是将引导私募基金为实体经济服务,为产业服务。
- Bonnet Joint - accurately machined for better service life. 阀帽连接-精密机加工,使用寿命更长。
- The resulting increased bearing load shortens bearing service life. 由此引起的轴承载荷的增加会缩短轴承的使用寿命。
- Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized. 第十九条使用寿命不确定的无形资产不应摊销。
- Adopt stainless steel net bring transmission, service life long. 采用不锈钢网带传动,使用寿命长。
- Corrosion resisting non-pollution,lower noise,long service life. 耐腐蚀、无污染、运转稳定、噪音低、寿命长。
- Excellent insulation at high temperature, long service life. 优良的高温约缘性能、使用寿命长;
- Perfect stability, long service life, and nondeforming. 红雪松稳定性及佳使用寿命长,不易变形。
- The spear nib is wearproof and long in service life. 枪头型腔经渗碳处理,其耐磨性好,使用寿命长。
- Raising die service life is a key link of decreasing product cost. 提高冲模寿命是降低产品成本的关键环节。