- ectropion luxurians 结膜肥厚性睑外翻,肉瘤性外翻
- Excessive tearing or evidence of entropion or ectropion is to be penalized. 眼裂过大、眼睑内翻或眼睑外翻都属于缺陷。
- There were 5 cases which occurred ectropion in the few days postoperatively. 大部分手术者经过2周到2年的随妨,手术后取得了良好效果。
- Objective Analyze the causation and surgical treatment of traumatic inferior punctum ectropion. 摘要目的分析外伤性下泪点外翻的原因和手术治疗的方法。
- Conclusion Transplanting dissociate skin petal is effective for scaring ectropion. 结论耳后游离皮瓣移植治疗瘢痕性睑外翻效果良好。
- Conclusion This operation is an effective method for correction of lower eyelid ectropion in mid and moderate degree. 结论:应用上睑眼轮匝肌肌皮瓣修复轻重度下睑外翻是一种较为可行的手术方法。
- Abnormal position of the eyelids or eyelashes (ectropion, entropion, trichiasis) is a major fault. 位置反常的眼睑或睫毛(眼睑内翻,眼睑外翻,倒睫毛)都属于严重缺陷。
- Ectropion (eyelid folding outward) is a common condition in dogs, usually affecting the lower lid. 眼睑外翻是一种常见的犬病,通常影响下眼睑。
- Results 8 cases of ectropion of eyelid scar and 4 cases of eyelid neous were removed and repaired. 结果修复上睑或下睑挛缩瘢痕切除松解后创面(8例)、色素痣切除后创面(4例),取得满意效果。
- Objective To investigate the state of the art technique of ectropion correction. 目的探索符合美学要求的睑外翻修复方法。
- Results 13/15 cases of the ectropion were repaired and corrected at 7 days post-operation.Ther... 结果15例患者中13例(15只眼)术后7天睑外翻矫正,2例(3只眼)术后7天时仍有轻度睑球分离,经过物理治疗1个月后基本恢复。
- Objective To prevent lower eyelid pouches and ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty. 目的:预防下睑袋整形术后睑外翻和下睑凹陷等并发症。
- Objective To present a simple and effective surgery technique of repairing lower eyelid ectropion. 目的:介绍一种修复下睑外翻畸形的简单有效的方法。
- Objective: To investigate the effect of the suspension using allogenic fascia lata in laxity and ectropion correction. 目的:探讨阔筋膜兜带术矫正下睑松弛及外翻的疗效。
- Clinical manifestation with unilateral glaucoma, corectopia, ectropion uvea, peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) and characterized by pigmented nodules on the iris. 临床表徵除了瞳孔偏向,葡萄膜外翻,周边连黏,青光眼之外还具有特殊的色素性节结在虹彩的表面上。
- No complications, such as infection, dys-morphosis of lid-margin, entropion, ectropion, trichiasis, exposure keratitis, were found. 未见感染、睑缘畸形、睑内(外)翻、倒睫、暴露性角膜炎等并发症。
- No complications, such as infection, ectropion, entropion dys-morphosis of lid margin, trichiasis, exposure kerati-tis, granulom... 结论同种异体硬脑膜作为中间材料应用于额肌悬吊术治疗儿童完全性上睑下垂十分理想。
- This condition is called ectropion or ectopy, which is visible as a strikingly reddish-looking ectocervix on visual inspection. 这些变化使宫颈管下段的柱状上皮外翻到宫颈阴道部,这种情况称外翻或导位,肉眼可见宫颈明显发红,有时用词不当,称为糜烂或溃疡。
- Results:All of these 78 cases obtained superior results without any complication like ectropion,sunken of sukus infrapaepebra,etc. 结果:78例受术者术后效果皆满意,未出现下睑外翻或眶鼻沟凹陷等并发症。
- Objective To investigate the effects of the treatment of ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty with the shortening of the palpebral margin. 目的探讨睑缘缩短术对睑袋切除术后致睑外翻畸形的治疗效果。