- edition from movable types 活字版
- The composition of printed material from movable type. 用活铅字印刷的材料作品
- In 1439 Johann Gutenberg became the first European to print from movable type. 1439年,约翰·谷登堡(Johann Gutenberg)成为第一个用活字印刷的欧洲人。
- Not only did Gutenberg print from movable type, but, even more important, he developed a practical means of casting type. 他不仅用活字来印刷,然而更重要的是他发展了铸造活字的实用方法。
- Bi Sheng invented movable type printing. 毕升发明了活字印刷。
- The art and technique of printing with movable type. 铅印术用活铅字印刷的艺术和技术
- This limitation was overcome with the invention of movable type. 随着活字的发明,这一障碍得取了克服。
- Bi Sheng first introduced movable type printing in the 1040's. 活字印刷术是11世纪40年代由毕升发明的。
- NOVA: Was movable type another example of technology moving from East to West, or was it an example of an innovation developing in the East and West simultaneously? 活字印刷术是又一例从东方传入西方的技术,或是一例东西方各自同时发展的技术?
- Block-printing was invented 1,300 years ago, and movable type 800 years ago. 在一千三百年前,已经发明了刻版印刷。在八百年前,更发明了活字印刷。
- Block-printing was invented 1,300 years ago,and movable type 800 years ago. 在一千三百年前,已经发明了刻版印刷。在八百年前,更发明了活字印刷。
- This is the real business news on morning edition from NPR News.I'm Steve Inskeep.And I'm Linda Wertheimer. 下面的才是我去星巴克最喜欢点的东西,有没有同道中人啊,呵呵。
- This paper expounds the value of periodical edition from the literature value and the cultural relics value. 从文献价值和文物价值两方面论述了期刊版本的价值。
- The net" centralizer is classified into movable type and hot setting type. 新型扶正器分活动式和热固式两种。
- It was edited from the original text. 这是根据原文本编译的。
- Printmaking in the form of movable type was developed during the Song Dynasty. 中国人宋朝时发明了活字印刷。
- You can quickly change these role mappings by selecting Edit from the Actions button drop-down on the tool bar and then selecting the Roles tab. 可以通过从工具栏中的Actions按钮下拉菜单选择Edit,然后选择Roles选项卡,来快速更改这些角色映射。
- If you want one, it’s a limited edition from 2001 from Hopf &Wortmann, so good luck finding your own, but it’s an easy (albeit brief) DIY with a normal lamp and a fast camera. 如果你想要一个这样的灯,可它是限量版的,只有额头碰到天花板才能有一个,但是你可以用一盏普通的灯和一台快速相机DIY一个。
- Movable type was invented by Pi Sheng in the Sung Dynasty between 1041 and 1048. 宋代1041到1048年间,毕升发明了活字印刷术。
- For the last 550 years, it has been believed the Johannes Gutenberg was the inventor of movable type. 一直以来,我们都相信约翰古腾堡是活版印刷的发明人,而古腾堡圣经的出版代表了人类首次采用活字印刷技术。