- He was a highly respected art educator and cultivated monk. 他驰名于艺术教育届,也是多才多艺的高僧。
- balance between education and cultivation 教养并重
- Finally, it is expounded to propagate the humanism in university mathematics education and cultivate the high-quality talents. 最后,分析说明了要弘扬大学数学中的人文精神,培养高素质的人才。
- The scientific study and cultivation of fruit. 果树栽培学对果树的科学研究和栽培
- Music Education and Cultivation of Students'Comprehensive Qualities 音乐教育与大学生综合素质的培养
- He is a man of charm and cultivation. 他既有魅力又有教养。
- On Art Education and Cultivation of Talent with Ingenuity 艺术教育在高校创新人才培养中的作用
- Facing the situation,we will develop energetically undergraduates mental health education and cultivate their sound mental quality and achieve their overall development. 面对这种状况,要大力开展大学生心理健康教育,培养他们的健全心理,使他们全面健康发展。
- Introduction and Cultivation of Dianthus sp. 地被石竹引种栽培的技术。
- It includes syncretizing traditional and modern culture, communicating culture and science, making a guide for general education and cultivating the foundation of democracy. 具体的说,就是融贯新旧,沟通文质,为通才教育作先路之导,为现代民治厚植其基础。”
- Introduction and Cultivation of Prunus cerasus L. 酸樱桃引种栽培试验。
- Mike is a man of charm and cultivation. 迈克是一个既有魅力又有教养的男子。
- Teaches courses in education and psychology. 教授教育学和心理学课程。
- Changing ideas, constructing system, entering process and improving condition are important for speeding up the internationalization of higher education and cultivating innovative talents. 转变观念、建立机制、进入过程和改善条件是加快高等教育国际化进程,培养创新人才的重要措施。
- She's got a good education and a charming personality and she should go far. 她受过很好的教育,有极好的品格,因而应该大有前途。
- To promote the campus culture characteristic and realize the sound development of the campus culture of " ecotype ", we need pursue sincere education and cultivate the campus spirit. 要通过推行诚信教育、培育校园精神和创设校园文化特色来提升校园文化的品位,实现“生态型”校园文化的健康发展。
- The State provides free education and health care. 政府实行免费教育和公费医疗制度。
- Characteristics and cultivation techniques of Portulaca oleracea L. 马齿苋的特征特性及其栽培技术。
- Introduction and cultivation Trials of Lythrum Linn. 千屈菜的引种栽培试验。
- Where education and war coexist. 教育和战争共存。