- education of comprehensive art 综合性艺术教育
- Yuncheng future e-schools, computer technology are therefore one of education and art education of comprehensive, closed-end municipal focus full-time secondary school. 运城未来电子学校,是一所以计算机技术教育和美术教育为主的综合性、封闭式的全日制市级重点中等专业学校。
- The art education of different categories and the comprehensive art education have respective and different goals,but their co-existence and mergence have become the historical necessity. 综合艺术教育本科专业的建设可吸收借鉴历史的、现实的、外来的多种经验。
- With prospection demands on knowledge and ability of packaging talents, some good suggestion to training and education of comprehensive and research-guiding talents are put forward. 通过透视现代社会对包装技术专业人才的知识技能的要求,对于综合性研究型包装人才的培养提出有益的建议。
- With a well-balanced cast, great artistic attainment and integrity of comprehensive arts, it produces colourful performances. 阵容齐整,艺术力量雄厚,集综合艺术于一体,演出节目丰富多彩。
- Facing this kind of phenomenon, the essay elaborates esthetic connotation of network games from three aspects: as populace art, as a unique cultural phenomenon, and as one kind of comprehensive arts. 面对这种现象,本文分别从网络游戏作为一种大众艺术、一种独特的文化现象、一种综合艺术三个方面来阐述它所具有的美学内涵。
- Professional Reference System of High Education of Art II. 高等院校艺术类学生专业参考大系2。
- On ideological and political education of comprehensive education 浅论素质教育中的思想政治教育
- Development of Comprehensive Low-Volume Pavement D. 复杂低交通量道路路面设计过程的发展。
- Father has an eye to the education of his boy. 父亲非常注意儿子的教育问题。
- Lecture rm of comprehensive service bldg. 展出综合楼报告厅。
- We poured money into the education of our children. 我们倾注了大量的钱在孩子的教育上。
- We should attend to the education of young people. 我们应当关心年轻人的教育问题。
- The academic performance of comprehensive schools was below par. 综合学校的学业成绩比一般水平还要差。
- He has an eye to the education of the boy. 他对这个孩子的教育非常注意。
- I have the education of young girls in charge. 我负责照管女孩子们的教育。
- Popular aerobics is a comprehensive art which has all kinds of functions reflected by aesthetic judgment body building, entertainment and education. 大众健美操是一门综合艺术,具有多种功能,主要体现在审美、身、乐、育等方面。
- Comprehensive art education with(drama) included must be carried out as it is the orientation for the reform of the world artistic education. 应开展包括戏剧教育在内的综合艺术教育,这是世界艺术教育改革的方向。
- It is an education of love and filial piety. 对学生进行爱心与孝心的教育。
- PVDC has is the best in terms of comprehensive property. 聚二氯乙烯已经是最好的角度全面财产。