- To establish the long effect mechanism for the Party members long period education and keeping the advanced character is an important path to extend the advanced character education result. 建立健全党员长期受教育,永葆先进性的长效机制,是巩固和扩大先进性教育成果的重要途径。 建立健全长效机制,必须始终围绕党员的思想、工作和生活实际,以改革创新的精神,对工作中现有机制进行不断完善,确保长效机制本身的长效性和先进性。
- In the basic education in the countryside of China,severe unfairness can be found in education chance,educational course and educational result. 我国农村基础教育在教育机会、教育过程、教育结果上存在着严重的不公平。
- Graduates of the junior high school physical education test scores, school physical education results be included in the total score, with a total Fufen and 40 minutes. 初中毕业生升学的体育考试成绩、体育课成绩一并计入升学总成绩,总赋分40分。
- The limitation to the budget of public finance education results in that the financing liabilities is an indispensable path in scale expanding of universities. 摘要财政性教育经费投人的有限性决定了负债筹资是高校规模扩张不可缺少的途径。
- High charges in tertiary education results in the difficulty of low-income class to enjoy and complete tertiary education, which influences not only the equal opportunity of education for citizens but also the social equality. 高等教育收费过高,导致低收入阶层难以接受或完成高等教育,不但影响公民的教育机会平等,也影响社会平等。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。
- Education develops potential abilities. 教育能开发人的潜能。
- A good education can be the gateway to success. 良好的教育是通往成功之路。
- The educed results are as follows.The heat capacity with fixed magnetization is single function of temperature, but commonly internal energy is not. 结果表明:系统的定磁热容量只是温度的单值函数,但是一般磁性体的内能不仅仅随温度变化。
- Ten years was the sum total of my education. 我受教育的年限加起来共十年。
- He was elected Minister of Education. 他被选为教育部长。
- Who was born when, in addition to nature and temperament will be different because, other things are acquired basic form, is the family impact and educational results. 人出生的时候,除了脾气会因为天性而有所不同,其他的东西基本都是后天形成的,是家庭影响和教育的结果。
- Many reforms must be made to the education system. 教育体制要作许多改革。
- The school authorities took no pains to scrutinise these letters, they knew it would be all the same whether we attended or not, so far as educational results were concerned. 学校当局从不费心去细看那些信,他们也知道,从教育的效果上看,我们上不上课都是一样的。
- No country can afford to neglect education. 任何国家都不容忽视教育。
- I don't hold with his views on education. 我不同意他在教育问题上的观点。
- Brains are more than just education. 有头脑不仅指受过教育。