- I'd like to say a few words about our China-U.S. educational exchange programs. 我想略微谈谈中美之间的教育交流计划。
- More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions. 现在有一百多家美国大专院校和几乎同样多的中国大专院校建立了教育上的交流关系。
- He saw educational exchange as way to help people understand other ideas and ways of life. 他认为教育交换可以帮助人们相互了解各自不同的生活。
- Mr Darrell A Jenks, di-rector of the American Center for Educational Exchange, and also a drummer in the jazz band Window, analyses the phenomenon for us here. 美国驻华使馆教育交流中心主任(也是《天窗》爵士乐队的鼓手)金大友先生为我们分析了这一现象。
- He lead the nongovernment association for carrying out the outstanding cultural activities,and promoting strongly the development of Sino-American. culture educational exchange at present time. 他领导这一美国民间社团开展卓著的文化活动,有力地推动了近现代中美教育文化交流事业的发展。
- Thank you for your interest in the Study Abroad Times and the International Education Exchange Center. 多谢您对国外就读时报和国际教育交流中心的兴趣。
- Its importance cannot be overstressed;modernization needs it, and so do regular business operations, cultural and educational exchanges, etc. etc. 它的首要性怎么强调也不为过:现代化需要它,商贸活动需要它,文化教诲交流需要它,等等,不一而足。
- Its importance cannot be overstressed; modernization needs it, and so do regular business operations, cultural and educational exchanges, etc. etc. 它的重要性怎么强调也不为过:现代化需要它,商贸活动需要它,文化教育交流需要它,等等,不一而足。
- This starts with opportunities for educational exchanges, the kind of dorm room and classroom diplomacy that NYU is leading on. 这一切始于教育交流机会,始于纽约大学率先展开的那种宿舍外交和课堂外交。
- Internet company providing an array of information on trade fair, travel, limo service, education exchange, training, consulting. Maintaining a number of websites. 加州网络公司,提供一系列有关贸易、旅行、教育交流、培训、以及咨询服务。拥有几个网站。
- Increased educational exchanges with other countries have been of great benefit to scientific and educational research in China's institutions of higher learning. 和其他国家在教育方面交流的增加对中国大学的教育研究有很大的好处。
- Yale is a forerunner in conducting China-U.S. Educational exchanges and provides an important platform for cultural exchanges between our two countries. 耶鲁大学是中美教育合作的先行者和文化交流的重要平台。
- China Center for International Educational Exchange 中教国际教育交流中心
- El-Gamal said the school was set to open a new chapter in cultural and educational exchanges between Egypt and China, thus promoting Chinese- Egyptian relations. 萨尔瓦多的贾迈勒说,学校打开了新的篇章,埃及和中国有了更直接的文化和教育交流,从而促进了中国和埃及两国关系的发展。
- Council on International Educational Exchange 国际教育交流委员会
- Do you accept foreign exchange certificate? 你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?
- Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today. 证券交易所今日交投平平。
- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 国会通过了新的教育预算。
- A soldier was wounded in the exchange. 一名士兵在交火中受伤。