- Educational History: Where does It Lose Its Way? 教育历史:迷失在何处?
- Rousseau and Dewey were as significiant as Plato in wester educational history. 摘要卢梭和杜威是西方教育史上与柏拉图齐名的、具有划时代意义的人物。
- Schooling has always been the focus of the study of educational history. 摘要学校教育一直是教育史研究的核心问题。
- It promotes the development of educational history by getting rid of its baldness image of annals. 同时也引发了一系列问题:美国教育史研究具有浓重的意识形态色彩,陷入了相对主义的泥潭。
- He has strongly put forward the thought of" administration and pragmatism" to advance educational reform and it is very important in modern educational history. 他响亮地提出要用经世致用思想来促进教育改革,在近代教育史上有着重要地位。
- It also remans its troditional education history now. 教育上,也有着历史悠久的优良传统。
- Wang Lin, head of the bureau's landscaping department, said the government is planning to protect areas connected to the city's industrial and educational history this year. 城市规划局景观管理处的负责人王林介绍说,今年政府正在计划保护那些与城市工业、教育历史相关联的区域。
- Look our whole educational history, it is hard to reject the tuff situation in slowly development, long cold time, low social prestige and public recognition. 综观我国教育电视的发展,始终摆脱不了发展缓慢、冷遇期过长,社会知名度和观众认知度偏低的困境。
- The dualism of liberal vs vocational education seems very common in educational history. 摘要技职教育与博雅或通识教育长时间来一直处于二元对立。
- As a famous educationalist in western educational history, Johann Amos Comenius took over from the past and set a new course for the future, his educational theories and practice were leading at that time, which still enlighten and inspire us today. 夸美纽斯是西方教育史上起着承前启后作用的教育家,他的教育思想和教育实践在当时是超前的,至今,对我们仍有启示和示范作用。
- As a famous educationalist in western educational history,Johann Amos Comenius took over from the past and set a new course for the future,his educational theories and practice were leading at that time,which still enlighten and inspire us today. 夸美纽斯是西方教育史上起着承前启后作用的教育家,他的教育思想和教育实践在当时是超前的,至今,对我们仍有启示和示范作用。
- From the perspective of comparative educational history,the article expounds on a general research it has conducted of various international academic communities on the Political Func-tion. 本文从此较教育史的视阈,对中外知识界在教育的政治功能、文化功能、经济功能三个方面的研究作概览式的探寻,以期对当今教育功能的研究有所启示和借鉴。
- She crammed for her history exam. 她死记硬背以应付历史考试。
- A detailed analysis is made on the situation of current CSEs' age,working life and education history. 详细分析我国现有注册安全工程师年龄、工作年限以及学历等基本情况;
- The heroic teacher, you let the Republic the education history book be sincerer, is more richly colorful! 英雄教师,你们让共和国的教育史书更加厚重,更加丰富多彩!
- Clients reiew information about the donors' physical traits and temperaments, their family and educational histories, and in some cases look at photos. 顾客可以查看供者的体质和气质、家庭和教育史,并且在有些情况下可以看到他们的照片。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- The disjointing and separation between legal education andlegal profession has been the protruding contradiction in China"s legal education history. 法学教育与法律职业的脱节与分离是我国法学教育史上一直存在的突出矛盾。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- Techniques that have taken our instructors years to master are available to artists in a format that is unparalleled in art education history. 我们已经采取了导师多年掌握的技术,可在一个艺术教育是历史上无与伦比的格式艺术家。