- Totems are no longer immune to area of effect damage. 图腾不再对范围伤害免疫。
- When the Corrupters attack turns enemy flyers into "turrets" does the unit turned effect damage? 问:一旦吞噬者讲对方的空军单位转变成我方的炮塔之后,会不会影响被吞噬的单位攻击力?
- Banelings are a new unit in StarCraft II that act as suicide bombers, rolling into infantry or buildings for massive area effect damage. 毒爆虫是星海争霸II中的新单位,扮演著自杀式炸弹客的角色,藉由混进步兵连和建筑物中自我引爆来造成广大区域性的伤害。
- The explosions also caused a fair deal of area of effect damage, making them ideal for wiping out packs of jittery fallen or skeletons or whatever other kinds of beasts decided to bunch together. 爆炸同样会带来相合的环境破坏,可以很好的杀死那些大量的扎堆的疯癫沉沦魔或者骷髅或者别的什么畜生。
- Despite the findings, this does not mean these potential effects damage the parent-child relationship as a whole, Davey said. 虽然有这样的研究结果,但是从整体上来说,这并不意味着一些潜在的因素毁坏父子关系。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The dynamic false contour(DFC) effect damages the PDP display performance seriously due to the wide use of ADS driving scheme. 由于目前荫罩式等离子体显示器采用ADS驱动时序,产生较明显的动态伪轮廓现象,影响图像的显示质量。
- The dynamic false contour (DFC) effect damages the PDP display performance seriously due to the wide use of ADS driving scheme. 摘要由于目前荫罩式等离子体显示器采用ADS驱动时序,产生较明显的动态伪轮廓现象,影响图像的显示质量。
- We shouldn't be damaging our reputation for such petty profit. The company exporting these weapons isy doing effective damaging China's long-term prospects. 我们不应该为了这些蝇头小利去损害自己的名声.;出口这些武器的公司实际损害了中国的远大利益
- We shouldn't be damaging gur reputation for such petty profit. The company exporting these weapons is doing effective damaging China's lonuterm prospects. 我们不应该为了这些蝇头小利去损害自己的名声.;出口这些武器的公司实际损害了中国的远大利益
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- When does the new system become effective? 新制度何时生效?
- Nuclear Effects Damage Assessment Methodologies 核影响损害评估方法
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- Effective, punitive, or destructive action. 有效的行为有效的、惩罚的或破坏性的行为
- So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。
- I think you'll have to take effective steps. 我认为你得采取有效措施。
- Gentle persuasion is more effective than force. 温和的说服胜於压服。
- This country lacks an effective party of the centre. 这个国家缺少一个能起作用的中立党派。
- In using superheated steam, compounding becomes less effective. 使用过热蒸汽时,混合的效果就会减少。