- However, the method was not so good in respect of reducing fuel air ratio at lean blowout by inserting clapboard into two domes. 采取加在头部之间插入隔板的措施来降低燃烧室贫油熄火比,效果并不显著。
- The experimental investigation was conducted for the fuel-circumferential-staging combustor with two domes to improve the lean blowout fuel air ratio. 摘要为降低贫油熄火油气比,对双头部燃烧室进行了燃油周向分级贫油熄火模拟实验研究。
- Results showed that the combustor with fuel-circumferential-staging could obviously improve fuel air ratio at lean blowout. 试验结果表明:与不分级燃烧相比,燃油周向分级燃烧能够显著降低贫油熄火油气比。
- fuel air ratio 燃料空气比
- The exhaust emission of HC and CO2 decreased with the increase of hydrogen fraction in fuel mixture, this would be due to the increase in H/C ratio and excessive air ratio. 在试验条件下,发动机HC和CO2排放浓度随混合燃料中掺氢比例的增加而下降,这是因为掺氢增加了混合燃料中H/C比值和混合气过量空气系数。
- Characteristics of explosion fields from fuel air explosive(FAE)are analyzed. 对燃料空气炸药(FAE)爆炸场特性进行了分析;
- The charge of fuel air explosive (FAE) warhead is usually a solid-liquid mixed fuel,which contains pores to meet the usage and reservation. 燃料空气炸药武器战斗部装填的云爆剂一般是固液混合态,固液混合药剂介质内部难免存在孔隙,孔隙尺度对发射安全性有重要影响。
- The researchers are interested in the low cost and high efficiency of FAE(fuel air explosive) charged warhead. 燃料空气炸药(FAE)战斗部是近年来倍受国内外关注的新概念武器。
- The explosive dispersal process of the FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) device loaded with 5kg PO and pitched downward at an initial velocity 100m/s has been calculated. 用以上模型计算了竖直下抛初速为100m/s、装填5kgPO的FAE装置的爆炸抛撒过程。
- Our products include multifunctional fittings such as gas air ratio control systems, and thermal management based on microprocessor-controlled automatic burner controls. 我们的产品包括多功能装置如空燃比调节系统和基于微处理器控制的自动燃烧器的热量管理。
- The jet characteristics under various injection conditions were measured by the schlieren photograph, and the overall excessive air ratio of the jets were calculated. 通过纹影照片得到了不同喷射压力和背压下的射流贯穿距离、射流锥角和射流体积随时间变化的规律,计算得到了射流内整体过量空气系数随时间变化的规律。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Based on the previous corresponding investigations, combined with experiments and tests, parameter characteristics of FAE (Fuel Air Explosive) blast field, reliability analysis of test method and assessment method for blast power of FAE were investigated. 该论文基于前人的工作,对液体燃料空气炸药爆炸场参数分布规律、爆轰参数测试系统的分析与评价,爆炸威力和毁伤效应评价等方面进行了更深入的研究。
- In this thesis, the formation, action mechanism and the application on weapon of fuel air explosive have been investigated based on experiment and theory analysis, and the thesis emphasized on experimental study of FAE. 本文从实验、理论两个方面研究了FAE形成、作用机制及武器化应用等课题,其中,实验研究是本文的重要手段。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- Research on Damage Effects of Fuel Air Explosive 云爆效应的毁伤效能研究
- Fuel Air Explosive Helicopter Delivered 直升机投掷的油气炸弹
- When does the new system become effective? 新制度何时生效?
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- Large Area Nozzle Delivery of Fuel Air Explosive 爆炸性油气大面积喷射输送