- You should wash the car park with effluent water. 你应该用排出来的水洗停车场。
- Boron accumulation in sodic soil is the key factor for irrigation application of studied effluent water. b元素在碱性土壤中的累积是影响试验用污水长期灌溉应用的关键因素。
- Result showed that the quality of processed wastewater was greatly improved and the effluent water reached draining standard. 结果表明,用硅藻土处理后的废水,其各项指标均有显著改善,达到了排放标准。
- Establishes Monthly Environment report including compilation of the Effluent waste water analysis, quantity of trashes and effluent water. 准备每月的环保报告,包括污水排放分析,垃圾和污水数量。
- The effluent water increases slowly at the beginning of nitrogen injection process, then increases at a great speed sharply before gas breakthrough. 当气体注入压力一定时,液体流出量缓慢增加,气体突破之前伴随液量的突然增大;
- Sludge reduction by ozonation can minimize excess biomass,have less impact on the effluent water quality,further more,can improve the system... 表明了臭氧化污泥减量技术在不影响出水水质的情况下,能有效地减少剩余污泥量,还能提高系统的反硝化能力,具有广阔的应用前景。
- Application: urban sewage and industrial effluent water treatment; Mineral processing, paper making, sugar refining, metallurgy, petroleum mining industries Process flocculation. 应用:城市污水、各种工业污水、自来水处理中;选矿、造纸、制糖、冶金、石油开采等行业的工艺过程中絮凝性能。
- The relationship between effluent water quality and wastewater load were investigated in the treatment of livestock wastewater by aged refuse bioreactor. 试验考察了矿化垃圾生物反应床工艺处理奶牛场废水出水水质与配水负荷的关系。
- The result detected at the completion of the project shows that the pollutants are removed greatly and the effluent water has met the request of reused water. 采用物化方法处理松脂加工废水,竣工检测结果表明,处理后废水污染物大大降低,出水完全满足生产回用水的要求,实现废水零排
- Laterwhen loaded the same imitate waste water with HRT 20h, the effluent water showeddifference, the 2,4-dichlorophenol concentration in the effluent water of the bioreactorwith or without strain GT24 1-1 is 11.2 mg/L and 16.7 mg/L respectively. 接着保持进水的2;4-二氯酚浓度60mg/L不变、HRT进一步提高到20h运行时,投加GT241-1菌体反应器出水的2;4-二氯酚含量较未投加GT241-1菌体对照反应器的低,前者出水的2;4-二氯酚含量为11.;2mg/L,后者的为16
- Combined biofilters consisting of an ulva biofilter(UB),a polishing ulva biofilter(PUB) and a sand biofilter(SB) were developed for purification of the rearing water and effluent water in recirculating abalone culture system. 采用水生植物滤池(U B和PU B)和固定膜生物滤池(SB)的复合净化模式,对鲍鱼养殖水体和系统排放水体进行净化,实现了循环水养鲍系统的清洁生产。
- Practical running shows that the effluent water quality can meet the integrated wastewater discharge standard, and that the system is convenient in operation and management and is advanced in automatization. 经实践运行出水水质达到国家排放标准,且具有操作方便、处理效果好,自动化程度高等特点。
- This scheme can decrease cost of tannery wastewater treatment;raise the effluent water quality after wastewater treatment.Make effluent after tannery wastewater treatment can reach reuse. 此方案可以减少制革废水处理的投资成本,提高废水处理后的出水水质,使制革废水经过处理后的出水可以达到回用。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Dangerous effluent is being poured into our rivers. 有害的废水正流入我们的江河里。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- 4 You should wash the car park with effluent water. 你应该用排出来的水洗停车场。
- effluent water metering system of waterworks 自来水厂出水计量系统
- irrigation with domestic effluent water 污水灌溉