- The town effuse warmth and hospitality. 这市镇洋溢着人情味和好客精神。
- Antibacterial active constituents from Juncus effusus L. 灯心草抗菌活性成分的研究。
- Juncus effusus said obtaining, but to the owners as soon as a claim. 蔺表示不好办,但是会尽快给业主一个说法。
- Chinese President asked Mr. slaughter out, resulting in disputes and juncus effusus, and by Ms. court. 华女士要求屠先生搬出,因而产生纠纷,将蔺先生和武女士告上法庭。
- Juncus effusus then said that the company had discussions with the White Dew House, the tree can wall between the two areas. 蔺当时表示,公司已经与白露雅园商量好,两个小区之间可以树围墙。
- Juncus effuse and Bacopa monnieri mixing planted were 26.0% and 23.4%, respectively. 灯心草与过长沙混种吸收率为26.;0%25与23
- Multiple functions of ultimate room、elegance of luxury two-room,effuse the care of human nature. 功能完善的极品一房、优雅尊贵的奢华两房,极尽人性关怀;
- This is a robust species with a large, effuse panicle and short-glumed spikelets. 这在粗壮种具大,平展圆锥花序和短小穗。
- Generally, the gas effuse amonnt in dig working face in mine relates to the gas fountain quantity. 淮北矿业集团公司石台煤矿对3422掘进工作面采取了瓦斯综合治理措施,达到了预想的效果。
- Juncus effusus L. 灯心草
- In accordance with some wolfram tin effuse come from cleaner in a concentrating mill,this study adopt vibrated slimes shaking table combining with centrifugal separator to put up a roughers. 针对某选厂废弃的钨锡精选溢流进行了选矿试验研究,采用振动矿泥摇床与离心机组合粗选,运用重选-浮选-磁选(水冶)联合工艺流程,有效地解决了钨锡细泥综合回收问题。
- Small Zhang You arrives, that male want to love to eat crab very much very much, because of which male differ meeting oh oh oh cry, effuse came (crab came out) you say is not crab what be. 小张又到,那个男的好想很爱吃蟹,因为哪个男的不一会就哦哦哦叫到,泻出来了(蟹出来了)你说不是蟹是什么呀。同事听了已是忍着笑了。
- Advise you not to effuse so much pride 建议你别表现的那么傲气十足
- 5. The town effuse warmth and hospitality. 这市镇洋溢着人情味和好客精神。
- 2.The town effuse warmth and hospitality. 这市镇洋溢着人情味和好客精神。
- effuse baliospermum root and leaf 薇籽
- Keywords Key words:Juncus effusus L.;Juncaceae;Steroids; 关键词灯心草;灯心草属;甾体化合物;
- a straw tatami straw for raw materials and juncus effusus. 榻榻米是以稻草和蔺草为原料。
- Study on the gas effuse law in dig working face of coal mine 煤矿掘进工作面瓦斯涌出规律研究
- Study on the Adsorption of Juncus effusus for Diesel Oil and Machine Oil 天然多孔灯心草对柴油和机油的吸附实验研究