- Most people need six to eight hours of sleep every day. 多数人每天需要六至八小时的睡眠。
- It's scientific fact: Bodies at play need eight hours of sleep to feel at rest. 科学证明:状态良好的身体需要八小时的睡眠作为休息。
- Make it a point to get at least eight hours of sleep and plenty of rest. 八小时睡眠,确保一天少八小时睡眠并有足够的休息
- If I don't get a full eight hours of sleep at night, I feel quite irritable the next day. 如果我晚上没有睡足八小时,隔天就会很容易暴躁。
- Others need a good seven or eight hours of sleep and adolescents are renowned for extended kips. 有些人则需要七八小时的质量好的睡眠。青少年则是以睡懒觉出了名的。
- Humanity assumes that six to eight hours of sleep is enough and believes that there is something wrong with needing nine to twelve hours. 人类设想六到八个小时的睡眠是足够的,并且相信如果需要九到十二个小时睡眠,那就有地方不对劲。
- Study subjects who had less than seven hours of sleep were at greater risk than those who got eight hours of sleep a night. 研究对象谁有不到七个小时的睡眠一个晚上与得到八个小时睡眠的那些人相比具有更大的风险.
- The truism that all adults need at least eight hours of sleep a night for good health should be put to rest by mounting evidence that less may be better. 成年人每天至少需要8小时睡眠才可以保持身体健康--这条"真理"已不再适用,因为越来越多的证据表明睡觉时间少于8小时可能会更有益于健康。
- Therefore, the proposed training center Jingshan candidates, every day there are eight hours of sleep, especially Wujue more sleep, time, time to sleep. 所以景山培训中心建议考生,每天都要有八个小时睡眠,尤其是午觉更要睡好,按时起,按时睡。
- For example, if you have very flexible hours and can go on an early date, go back to work after dinner, and still get eight hours of sleep, then a 100-hour workweek might be fine for you. 例如,当你的时间很灵活,可以早早地去约会,在吃完饭后回到工作上,并仍八小时睡觉,那么一周工作时间100小时对你来说都是没问题的。
- I had nine blissful hours of sleep. 我无忧无虑地酣睡了九个小时。
- Let us snatch an hour of sleep . 咱们抓紧时间睡1个小时。
- He felt chronically tired, requiring about 12 hours of sleep a day. 他总是感觉疲倦,每天大约需要睡12个小时。
- You can have eight hours of undisturbed sleep with the covers all to yourself. 八小时无打扰的睡眠,没人跟你争被子。
- I'd been existing on two or three hours of sleep a night. 我晚上一直都睡两三个小时。
- “I got eight hours of sleep last night,” you think hazily. “Why am I still tired?” 你在朦胧不清地想:“我昨晚睡了八个钟头,怎么还是疲倦?”
- These meds induce sleep and may help a person get seven to eight hours of shut-eye, but generally should not be taken longer than seven to 10 days and may have side effects. 人吃了这些药后昏昏欲睡,闭上眼即可睡上7、8个小时,但一般来说,连吃7-10天这种药也会有副作用,故不可长期服用。
- eight hours of sleep 八小时睡眠
- It'll last for eight hours of consecutive use. Then you'll have to recharge the batteries. 可连续用8小时,然后你得再充电。
- A growing child needs plenty of sleep. 正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。