- elastically supported bearing 弹性轴承
- Under the condition of elastically supported stator, the effect of parameters of the rotor/stator system on the stability of the SFARM is discussed numerically. 对柔性定子--柔性转子系统模型,采用解析分析结合数值计算的方法研究了系统中各参数对同步全周碰摩解稳定性的影响。
- The new aerodynamic foil journal bearing with elastic support was applied to the turboexpander successfully. 成功地将新型箔片动压气体轴承低温透平膨胀机应用在逆布雷顿循环制冷机上。
- If the lower support bearing of the slewing mechanism in M10-25 portal crane occurs failue, the protal crane occurs vibration, unusual sound and strenuous rotation during slewing. 2 5门机回转机构下支承轴承出现故障时,使门机回转时产生振动、异响和回转吃力等现象。
- The design principles and the optimum range of the new aerodynamic foil journal bearing with elastic support and self-acting gas bearing cryogenic turboexpander were obtained. 归纳总结了弹性支承箔片动压气体径向轴承的性能特点和最优设计原则,并提出了全动压透平膨胀机的设计准则。
- A coil spring (21) elastically supports the pot block (9) to be movable in contact with the substrate block (5). 罐形件(9)由螺旋弹簧(21)弹性支承,可使罐形件一边与基板块(5)接触一边移动。
- elastically supported continuous beam method 弹性支承连续梁法
- element of elastically supported 弹性地基梁单元
- Type CK-N is sprag type one-way clutch integrate without supporting bearing and oil seal, and is suitable to application at low running speed. CK-N系列为不含油封及无轴承支撑的楔块式单向离合器,适用于低运转速度。
- In addition to the new aerodynamic foil journal bearing with elastic support, the spiral groove thrust bearing was also applied to the self-acting gas bearing turboexpander in the air refrigerator. 并采用平面螺旋槽动压气体止推轴承,对空气制冷机用透平膨胀机进行了全动压气体轴承支承的研究。
- Deep Groove Ball Bearings, Center Support Bearings, Agricultural bearings, Mast Guide Bearings, Clutch Bearings, etc. 深沟球轴承,农机组件轴承,农机轴承,导轨轴承,离合器轴承等
- These design features include a phenolic-backed cartridge seat, precision profile disc, onepiece shaft, and four shaft support bearings. 系列21和系列23重型蝶阀适用于当今许多管道系统中条件比较恶劣的、高压使用环境中。
- A grinding wheel dressing device is introduced,which is used in the vertical CNC grinder to grind double arc raceway of rotary support bearings. 介绍了主要用于立式数控磨床大型回转支承双圆弧滚道加工的数控砂轮修整装置。
- The critical speed of one turbopump rotor on elastic support was computed by FEMQZ. 计算分析了某涡轮泵转子在弹性支承下的临界转速。
- Careful design considerations ensuringto eliminate any axial concentricity errors in the support bearings, and to avoid any bending forces on the screw shaft. 设计是应考虑到支撑的同轴度,不要让丝杠受到弯曲力。
- An approach has been made upon problems of tuning natural frequency of variable stiffness elastic support of 3D vibration strengthening polishing vibration table. 对三维强化、抛光振动台变刚度弹性支承调谐固频的问题进行了探讨。
- In the engine, oil is supplied to crankshaft and camshaft journals rotating in their supporting bearings. 在发动机里,机油被供应到旋转在其支承轴内的曲轴和凸轮轴轴颈上。
- The part of a machine shaft or axle supported by a bearing. 轴颈机械的转动轴或轮轴中由轴承所支撑的部分
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。
- The temple is supported by massive columns. 此庙由粗大的柱子支撑。