- And, 500 involve the election advertisement, more than 240 to involve garners votes the noise. 其中,500宗涉及选举广告、240多宗涉及拉票噪音。
- Paul's Press Conference at Chater Garden - Paul declared his Candidacy (2008 Legislative Council Accountancy Functional Constituency: Election Advertisement)... 功能组别,会计界,立法会,遮打花园,选举,陈茂波
- Provision of e-mail address is voluntary. The e-mail address will be provided to the candidates of the constituencies/subsector concerned for sending election advertisement. 提供电邮地址属自愿性质,有关电邮地址将提供予相关选区/界别/界别分组的候选人,以作发放选举广告的用途。
- The provision of e-mail address is voluntary. The e-mail address will be provided to the candidates of the constituencies concerned for the purpose of sending election advertisement. 提供電郵地址屬自願性質,有關電郵地址將提供予相關選區的候選人,以作發放選舉廣告的用途。
- In respect of those election advertisements that cannot be practically or conveniently photocopied, 2 identical postcard-sized colour photographs of each of them must be provided. 至于某些因实际情况而不能或不便影印的选举广告,则须呈交其彩色相片(明信片尺寸)一式两张。
- The RO may seize and dispose of , or cover with such material as RO thinks fit, any election advertisements on display and in respect of which any relevant requirement has not been compiled with. 如有人并未遵从有关规定而展示选举广告,选举主任可检取及处置或以其认为合适的物料覆盖该选举广告。
- It seems uncertain why he lost the election. 他落选的原因似乎并不清楚。
- The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。
- No one know better how to rig an election. 没有人更知道如何操纵选举。
- He is to stand for York at the next election. 他将在下届选举中做约克郡选区的候选人。
- Defeat in this election would mean he was done for. 这场选举的失败意味着他政治生涯的结束。
- The election has been slated for October. 选举已经定在十月举行。
- I may vote for her at the next election. 下届选举我可能选她。
- A short filmed advertisement for a movie. 宣传片为电影做广告的简短影片
- The police stopped several riots on election night. 警方在竞选之夜制止了几处骚乱。
- They inserted an advertisement in the newspaper. 他们在这家报纸上刊登一则广告。
- My eye fell upon an interesting advertisement in the newspaper. 我的目光落在报纸上一则有趣的广告上。
- The presumable result is an election defeat. 推测结果是竞选可能会失败。
- Have you read the news about the election? 你看了关于选举的新闻了吗?
- They are credulous people who believe in the advertisement. 他们是一些轻信广告的人。