- The election commissioners are on trial in the criminal courts. 选举委员会成员则正在接受法庭审讯。
- The courts called the election unconstitutional, annulled it and, in a separate case, jailed three of the election commissioners who had overseen it. 法院判决大选违反宪法,宣布其无效,并在另外一个案件中判决三名大选的监督委员入狱。
- In another trickle of preliminary results released by election commissioners, President Karzai retains his firm lead with more than 54 percent of the ballots. 阿富汗选举委员会发布的另一份初步结果显示,卡尔扎伊总统维持了稳固的领先优势,拿到超过54%25的选票。
- But as the chief election commissioner queued to vote in Thimpu on April21 st, in a practice run for an inaugural election due next year, he looked mildly reluctant. 但是,这位首席选举专员4月21日在首都廷布排队等候投票、加为明年首届大选举行的预演时,看上去有些勉为其难。
- In the capital's national assembly hall, supporters of the Pakistan Peoples Party were jubilant even before the election commissioner announced results. 在首都的议会大厅里,巴基斯坦人民党的支持者在选举委员会主席宣布投票结果之前就已经开始欢呼雀跃了。
- He now has the power to appoint and sack the three service chiefs, the chief election commissioner, provincial governors, prime minister and parliament. 现在他有权任免后勤主管人员,选举委员会理事,省长,总理和议会议员。
- "The DPT, the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa, winning 44 of 47 seats in the National Assembly, is declared the ruling party," said Bhutan Election Commissioner Kunzang Wangdi. 不丹选举委员会官员昆赞.;旺迪宣布选举结果:“在有47个议席的国民议会中,不丹繁荣进步党中赢得44个,现在宣布该党为执政党。
- Some wartime vessels are still in commission. 有些战时的军舰仍在服役。
- He sells motorcars on commission. 他以抽取佣金的方式销售汽车。
- It seems uncertain why he lost the election. 他落选的原因似乎并不清楚。
- I get flu and am out of commission for a week. 我得了流感,一星期没工作。
- Can you sell for us on a commission basis? 你能拿佣金替我们销售吗?
- The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。
- No one know better how to rig an election. 没有人更知道如何操纵选举。
- He is to stand for York at the next election. 他将在下届选举中做约克郡选区的候选人。
- Defeat in this election would mean he was done for. 这场选举的失败意味着他政治生涯的结束。
- He reps for two firm on commission. 他是收两家公司佣金的销售代表。
- The election has been slated for October. 选举已经定在十月举行。
- You get (a) 10% commission on everything you sell. 你可从售出的每种货物中得到10%25佣金。
- I may vote for her at the next election. 下届选举我可能选她。