- The electoral college plays a huge role in the election process. 在选举过程中,选举团的作用至关重要。
- In the USA the Electoral College elects the president. 美国总统由总统选举团选举产生.
- Who elects the President of the United States? A: The Electoral College. 谁选出美国总统?答:选举团。
- I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. 我接受这个最终的结果,下星期一,这个结果会在选举人团会议上得到确认。
- The president and vice president of the United States of America are elected by 538 Electoral College voters. 美国的总统和副总统是由选举团的538个选民投票选出的。
- Many people who favor a change in the nature of the Electoral College urge that the votes be awarded proportionately. 许多赞成在实质上更改“选举团”的人,极力主张票数应该按比例分配。
- An American president is not chosen directly by the people. Instead, an Electoral College is used. 美国总统不是由人民直接选举出来的。而是由选举委员会。
- I accept the 10)finality of this outcome, which will be 11)ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. 我接受下周一选举团将批准的这个决定。
- George Washington is unanimously elected to be the first President of the United States by the U.S. Electoral College. 1789年的今天,乔治·华盛顿被美国选举团一致选举为美国的首任总统。
- I accept the finality of this outcome , which will be ratified next Monday in the electoral college . 我接受下周一选举团将批准的这个决定。
- Many people who favor a change in the nature of the Electoral College urge that the votes be awarded proportionately . 许多赞成在实质上更改“选举团”的人,极力主张票数应该按比例分配。
- The president is preparing for his being reelected by the electoral college that he controls. 校长正在为他学校的管理准备选举团。
- Republican President Bush captured Florida's 27 crucial Electoral College votes, and won more than 50 percent of the vote in Florida. 美国共和党总统布什赢得了佛罗里达州的27张选举人票,他赢得了该州百分之50以上的普选票。
- The Constitution of the U.S. originally provided that the president was to be indirectly elected by an electoral college. 美国宪法原先规定,总统应由选举团选举出来。
- The Constitution of the U. S. originally provided that the president was to be indirectly elected by an electoral college. 美国宪法原先规定, 总统应由选举团选举出来。
- Yetthe Republican wins in their swing states were enough to give PresidentBush an Electoral College victory of 286 electoral votes to 251 forSen.Kerry. 虽然都是6个州,但布什拿到了286张选举人票,克里只拿到251张。
- And, as the unions make up one-third of the party's electoral college, those who aspire to be the next Labour leader must court them assiduously. 如果工会组织能占工党选举团的三分之一,那些希望成为下一个工党领袖者必然会对他们大献殷勤。
- The decennial census is the basis on which federal money is disbursed and seats in the House of Representatives, and consequently Electoral College votes, are allocated. 十年一度的人口普查关系到联邦财政的使用,决定了众议院议席的分配,从而影响到各州的选举团人数。
- The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College. 五分之三准则的通过提高了选举团中南方各个州的选票,这使得杰斐逊在1800年的总统大选中获得了一点胜利。
- The census determines how many representatives a state sends to Congress, and therefore how many votes it wields in the Electoral College that picks the president. 人口普查决定着一个州在国会的代表人数,自然也就决定着这个州在参加选举总统的选举人大会上可以有多少张选举人票。