- Establish and maintain the management system including SOPs of electric power supply system, electric facilities, and power substation. 建立、维护公司供电系统、电气设施和变配电所的管理制度和标准操作规程SOP。
- The electronic equipment is widely applied to aircraft electric power system, so power quality problems in AC main power supply system cause more and more attention. 在飞机电气系统中,随着电力电子装置的广泛应用,交流供电系统的电能质量问题受到越来越多的关注。
- Describes the harmonic current in the factory power supply system and how to calculate it,and on top of that,analyses active filtration of electric power. 简要介绍了工厂供电系统中的谐波电流及其计算方法,并在此基础上分析了电力有源滤波器的原理及谐波电流的抑制。
- Truck illumination power supply system collocate large power generator (15KW), not only supply the power of the working;it also output 220V, 380V electric power for the other equipment . 车载照明供电系统整机配置大功率(15KW)发电机组,不仅可以供工作装置所需的动力之用,并且可以输出220V,380V供其他设备所需的电力。
- As we need only electrical power for FET switching on the carrier side, power supply system for carrier is basically not needed. 只有载体侧FET(场效应晶体管)开关需要电源,载体本身基本上不需要电源。
- In this paper, analysis of harmonic produced from nonlinear electricity power equipment in power supply system are given, for example PT. 摘要文章以变压器为例,简析了供电系统中非线性电力设备产生谐波的原因;
- This will affect electricity power supply to all residential units, common area lightings, lift system, potable water and flush water supply system, TV reception system, AMS system and FS system. 届时各住户之电力、大厦公众照明系统、升降机系统、食水及冲厕系统、电视接收系统、警报系统及消防系统均受影响。
- Development Tendency of Electric Power Supply System Information Management 供电系统信息管理发展趋势分析
- synergic electric power supply system 复合电源
- Calculation on Electric Power Supply System Design for Remote Telemetry Station 黄河三小间水情自动测报系统遥测站供电系统设计计算
- special electrical power supply system 专用电源系统
- In this paper, analysis of harmonic produced from nonlinear electricity power equipment in power supply system are given, for example PT. Based on above analysis, measures of restricting the harmonic are proposed. 文章以变压器为例,简析了供电系统中非线性电力设备产生谐波的原因;提出了抑制谐波的措施。
- His father works in electric power supply bureau. 他父亲在供电局上班。
- Power Supply System to Far end D. 接入网远端设备供电方式的探讨。
- The supervisory system of electric power telecommunication station environments and power supply system 电力通信站机房环境及电源系统的远程监控管理系统
- Restore the electric power supply to the water heater. 重新恢复热水器的电源供应。
- Aircraft Electrical Power Supply System 飞机供电系统
- The areas are not even connected to Kenya's electric power supply. 这些地区甚至都没有接入肯尼亚的电力网络。
- Have the emergency power supply system and lighting facility; k. 有应急供电系统和应急照明设施;
- Surge Arrester for AC power supply systems. 应用于交流电源系统的防雷保护;