- His speech had an electric effect on the audience. 他的演讲令观众震惊不已。
- They added a bit of gold for the desired electrical effects. 为了得到想要的电效应,研究者在溶液中再加入一点金子。
- He wrote a textbook on the electrical effects of transposition. 他撰写了一本关于导线交错的电气效应的教科书。
- Gilbert proposed in 1600 that electrical effects arise from an electric fluid. 1600年,吉伯提出,电效应起因于一种电的流质。
- The substituent of methyl has different electrical effects in organic solvent with various polarities. 甲基在不同极性的溶剂中表现不同的电子效应;
- The news had an electric effect on the waiting crowd. 这消息使正在等待的人们群情振奋。
- His exciting speech had an electric effect upon all the listeners. 他那激动人心的演讲让全体听众感到极为振奋。
- These electrons create electrical effects, such as the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights, cause the disruption of radio transmissions, and increase the amount of ozone in the upper atmosphere. 这些电子产生了电效应,如极光,或北极光,造成无线电传送的中断,在大气层的上方出现臭氧量的激增。
- His speech had an electric effect on the crowd,they all cheered him. 他的演说震撼人心,整个人群向他欢呼。
- His speech had an electric effect on the crowd, they all cheered him. 他的演说震撼人心,整个人群向他欢呼。
- These electrons create electrical effects,such as the aurora borealis,or Northern Lights,cause the disruption of radio transmissions,and increase the amount of ozone in the upper atmosphere. 这些电子产生了电效应,如极光,或北极光,造成无线电传送的中断,在大气层的上方出现臭氧量的激增。
- Of or relating to the electric effects, especially increased conductivity, caused by light. 光电(效应)的电效应的,与电效应有关的,尤指由光引起的不断增强的传导
- The electric effects of methoxy in ortho-position differ from that in meso-position. 甲氧基处于氨基的邻位的电子效应和处于间位时不同。
- The president's speech had an electric effect on the crowd,and the students all cheered him. 校长的演说震撼人心,大学生们都向他欢呼。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- Seismo electric effect is a main factor for causing the anomalies of seismic electro-magmetic phenomena. 摘要震电效应是引起地震电磁异常现象的主要因素。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
- There are some electrical apparatus in the room. 房间里有些电器。
- There is a fault in the electrical system. 电路系统出了故障。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。