- Effect of Liq as an Electron Injection Layer on Organic Electroluminescent Devices[J]. 引用该论文 吴有智;郑新友;朱文清;丁帮东;孙润光;蒋雪茵;张志林;许少鸿.
- ZnS:Sm, Cl Red Thin Film Electroluminescent Devices with Ceramic Thick Film as Insulator Layer[J]. 引用该论文 唐春玖;朱文清;赵伟明;刘祖刚;蒋雪茵;张志林;许少鸿.
- In the future, electroluminescent devices will fabricate from selected diridium complexes, and we will measure the physical property of these devices. 利用不同取代之配位基,我们合成一系列高效率的红光磷光一错合物。此外,透过改变配位基的共轭程度可以有效改变错合物的放光性质。
- Abstract: Efficiency of organic electroluminescent devices depend on the injection and recombination effectively of electron and hole. 摘要: 有机电致发光器件的效率取决于电子和空穴的有效注入和复合。
- Quinacridone and its derivatives show high photoluminescent efficiency, and they are used as dopant emitters to fabricate high performance electroluminescent devices. 喹吖啶酮分子及其衍生物是一种常用有机染料分子,它具有良好的电致发光特性。
- In this review, the applications of the 8-hydroxyquinoline metal complexes to organic electroluminescent devices and the new progress have been introduced. 摘要介绍了8-羟基喹啉金属配合物在有机电致发光器件中应用以及新研究进展。
- Because of the multilayer structure of organic light emitting diode(OLED),the interaction between each organic thin films is important for the electroluminescent devices. 摘要:因为有机发光二极体层状结构的关系,在各层有机薄膜之间的交互作用对于此种电激发光元件显得十分地重要。
- Two kinds of electroluminescent devices were fabricated by doping the rare earth complex Eu(asprin)3phen into polymer PVK: (1) ITO/PVK:RE/LiF/Al; (2) ITO/PVK:RE/PBD/LiF/Al. A great difference in the EL spectrum was found between the two kinds of devices. 将稀土配合物Eu(asprin)_3phen掺杂到导电聚合物PVK中,制成结构分别为ITO/PVK:RE配合物/LiF/AI(1),ITO/PVK:RE配合物/PBD/LiF/AI(2)的电致发光(EL)器件。
- Organic electrophosphorescent devices can be used to circumvent the limitation in quantum efficiency of organic electroluminescent devices due to the spin-forbidden of triplet exciton transition. 摘要有机电致磷光器件的设计和利用,可以突破由三线态激子跃迁自旋禁阻引起的有机电致荧光器件量子效率的限制。
- In this paper, based on the applications of semiconductor nanocrystal/polymer composites in the electroluminescent devices and solar cells,recent progress in this field is reviewed. 综述了近几年来半导体纳米晶/共轭聚合物在有机/无机复合电致发光器件和太阳能电池方面的应用进展情况,着重强调了其发展历程,并对其存在的问题进行了分析,展望了其发展前景。
- Structure and Electroluminescence Characteristics of Organic Thin Film Electroluminescent Devices[J]. 引用该论文 李方红;刘旭;顾培夫;唐晋发.
- In recent years, the research and development of efficient electroluminescent device phosphorescence have been much focused on. 摘要: 近年来,高效有机电致磷光器件的研究和开发受到人们的极大关注重。
- Highly Efficient Distyryl Arylene (DSA) Derivative Blue Organic Electroluminescent Device with Improved Color Purity[J]. 引用该论文 吴有智;郑新友;孙润光;蒋雪茵;张志林;许少鸿.
- organic electroluminescent devices 有机电致发光器件
- White organic electroluminescent devices 白色有机电致发光器件
- organic electroluminescent devices(OEL) 有机电致发光器件
- We also assembled a CdS/PPV electroluminescence device. 制备了CdS/PPV发光器件。
- High Efficiency Organic Thin Film Electroluminescent Devices 高效率的有机电致发光器件
- Single Heterojunction Blue Organic Electroluminescent Devices 单异质结蓝色有机电致发光器件
- Insulating Layers of AC Thin Film Electroluminescent Devices 交流薄膜电致发光器件的绝缘层