- electron flow direction 电子流向
- The flow direction of consecutive controls. 连续控件的流向。
- Electromigration could induce the movement of atoms/ions towards the direction of electron flow in pure metal line in chips. 摘要电迁移可以引发芯片内部互连金属引线(单一元素)中的原子或离子沿电子运动方向移动。
- Drier operates in either flow direction with low pressure drop. 在任何一方向都可操作应用。
- Install valve in accordance with flow direction arrow. 按照流量箭头方向安装阀门。
- You can specify the flow direction by setting the value of the. 属性的值来指定流方向。
- Control arranges its contents in a horizontal or vertical flow direction. 控件沿水平或垂直流方向排列其内容。
- But that there is electric pressure in the semiconductor, the electron flow would not take place in it. 如果半导体内没有电压,其内部就不会产生电子流。
- At high temperatures the atoms begin to vibrate, which disrupts electron flow and ruins the magnetic response. 在高温条件下,原子受激,从而会干扰电子流进而破坏磁响应。
- Ensure that valve is installed in proper flow direction. Refer to flow direction arrow on valve nameplate or body. 确保阀门按照正确的流向安装。参照阀门铭牌或阀体上的流向箭头。
- The smallest unit that supports electron flow in a semiconductor material ; a hole in P-type silicon or a free electron in N-type silicon. 在半导体材料中维持电流的最小单元,在P型硅中是空穴,在N型硅中是自由电子。
- Usually have three CRT electron gun, injection of the electron flow must be precisely assembled, or will not get a clear image display. CRT通常有三个电子枪,射出的电子流必须精确聚集,否则就得不到清晰的图像显示。
- Little flow resistance and corrosiveness of media.It has double flow direction and is widely applied. 液体阻力小,介质冲蚀小,具有双流向适用范围广。
- Gets or sets a value indicating the flow direction of the FlowLayoutPanel control. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示FlowLayoutPanel控件的流向。
- Such currents may form, disappear, or change flow direction within a matter of hours or days. 这样一些洋流的形成、消失或改变流向可能发生在大约几小时或几天内。
- Thus, for an EDT in eastward LEO, in which the electrons flow from top to bottom of the tether, the force is opposite to the direction of motion. 因此,在东向的LEO里的EDT,若电子自缆索由上而下流动,受力就会与运动方向相反。
- Both docking and anchoring are relative to the largest control in the flow direction. 停靠和锚定都是相对于流方向上的最大控件而言的。
- Control to stop laying out controls in the current flow direction and wrap to the next row or column. 控件停止在当前流方向布局控件并换到下一行或下一列。
- The FlowLayoutPanel arranges its contents in a specific flow direction: horizontal or vertical. FlowLayoutPanel按特定流方向(水平或垂直)来排列其内容。
- The FlowLayoutPanel control arranges its contents in a horizontal or vertical flow direction. FlowLayoutPanel控件在水平或垂直流方向排列其内容。