- OTC is not located in any one place, but is primarily an electronic communications network of stock and bond dealers. 场外市场不设在任何地方,它主要是指各家股票和债券交易公司之间的电子通讯网。
- With this revolution in electronic communications, it's so mainstream you can't get away from it even if you wanted to. 藉由电子的沟通革命,它是如此主流你不能远离它即使你想要到。
- And as our electronic communications become more intense, they simply add to the din of radio interference. 但是若提高电子通讯的强度,又会增加无线电干扰杂讯。
- Daejeon's customer base concentrated in high-tech products, electronic communications products. 大田的客户群集中在高科技产品、电子通讯类产品。
- Commark, Inc - Specializing in the use of internet, intranet, extranet and other electronic communications. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- However, electronic communication is never completely safe. 然而,电子化交流没有绝对安全。
- We provide the same protections for these electronic communications that we employ in the maintenance of information received by mail and telephone. 我们提供同样的保护,这些我们运用在电子通讯维修资料邮寄电话。
- Beijing Kone Electron Communication Technology Co., Ltd. 北京市港亿电子通信技术公司。
- As with handwritten letters, electronic communications have also tended to supplant actual spoken conversations with others. 如同手写信件一样,电子通信也有让人们减少面对面交谈的倾向。
- T.J. Jiang and K.-L. Kuo (2008). Distribution of a random functional of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process over the unit sphere. Electronic Communications in Probability. Accepted. 姜志铭、宋传钦、郭锟霖(06/2008)。主成份分析在木球运动表现与教学上的运用。统计薪传,第8卷,第1期,页1-14。
- Cyber----relating to electronic communication networks and virtual reality. 有关电子通讯网络和虚拟现实的。
- High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication. 高速的电子通讯媒介,如电子邮件和电视,阻止了人们有感情的交流。(不妥?
- Former Congressman Foley’s actions are the subject of an FBI investigation of his electronic communications with congressional pages, who’re teenagers performing routine jobs for members of Congress. 联邦调查局主要针对前国会议员佛利的行为对其与国会男实习生之间的电子通信展开调查。国会男实习生是负责国会成员日常事务的青少年。
- In electronic communication, where a message is conveyed directly to its destination, for example, telex. 在电子通信中,将报文直接发送到接收点,如用户电报。
- Former congressman Foley's actions are the subject of a FBI investigation of his electronic communications with congressional pages who are teenagers performing routine jobs for members of Congress. FBI现在已经正式着手调查前国会议员佛里通过电子邮件骚扰处理国会成员日常事务的未成年国会男实习生的事件。
- Any attempts by a third party to eavesdrop on the communications can be readily detected.Quantum cryptography could have applications in electronic communications, e-banking and e-voting. 量子技术加密系统的适用范围非常广泛,包括电子通信系统,网上银行系统和网上投票系统。
- In electronic communication,where a message is conveyed directly to its destination,for example,telex. 在电子通信中,将报文直接发送到接收点,如用户电报。
- Over the past 25 years, no image has been more important in the history of imaging and electronic communications, and today the mysterious Lenna is considered the First Lady of the Internet. 当一个女人已经稳稳地被他拥在怀里后,他便如冲刺 到了终点,觉得自己该歇歇了。
- To ensure efficient electronic communication in Chinese, an efficient Character Processing System is essential. 要中文电子通讯成功,必须具备有效的中文处理系统。
- Electronic Communication- Establish a connection for electronic communication through the Global Supplier Portal. 电子沟通-通过全球供应商网络建立电子沟通方式。