- There are the best electronics store in the city. 本城有最好的电子产品商店。
- He owns one of the largest electronics stores! 他的电器商场是最大的!
- I used a WinTV-GO PCI model that I picked up for about 80 at the local electronics store. 我使用的是一种WinTV-GO PCI型号,是从本地的电子商店花80美元买的。
- And he said he'd let me work at his electronics store if I get myself cleaned up. 他说他可以让我在他的电子商店工作,条件是我先要把那些文身除去。
- Every day we sign papers with fine print even to buy an extension cord in an electronics store. 每天我们都在很多带有很小字体的文件上签字,甚至于在电器商店买段电线也要签字。
- Also, 33 percent said they would go to a specialty store like a florist, gift shop or electronics store. 还有33%25的人们说他们会去一些有特色的小店,例如坏点,礼品店或电子产品店。
- An electronics store in Warsaw, where the Polish currency's decline has shocked many. 图:华沙电子商店,波兰货币猛跌,令人震惊。
- National Address Televisions in a Moscow electronics store broadcast the President's annual speech, the equivalent of the American State of the Union. 电视致辞莫斯科一个电器店内正在播放普京的年度演讲,相当于美国的国情咨文。
- At a nearby household electronics store, Chuo Ta-ging, a clerk also watching the game, agreed that luck was not with the Yankees that morning. 一家附近的电器行员工,邱达清,也同时在关注这场比赛,他也认为早晨洋基队的运气很不好。
- Golden China is like an electronics store trying to sell its wares (cheaply) on London's Savile Row rather than Tokyo's Akihabara market. 金华就像一台自动贩卖机宁愿向伦敦莎威尼(London'sSavileRow)廉价兜售自己的商品而放弃了东京的秋叶原市场(Tokyo'sAkihabaramarket)。
- If you don't have a universal serial bus (USB) Easy Transfer Cable, you can buy one online, from your computer manufacturer, or from an electronics store. 如果没有通用串行总线(USB)轻松传送电缆,可以联机,从计算机制造商,或电子商店中购买该电缆。
- One of the two best hackers on the planet,Stanley has been forbidden to get within 50 yards of the nearest electronics store after doing time for wreaking havoc on the FBI's controversial high tech cyber surveillance operations. 他曾由于严重破坏联邦调查局有争议的高科技电脑监视系统而入狱服刑。此后,警方禁止他进入离他最近的电子商店方圆50码之内的区域。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- While few Cubans can afford that, dozens still gawked outside a tiny Havana electronics store, crowding every inch of its large glass windows and leaving finger and nose prints behind. 尽管此价格让绝大多数人望而却步,但哈瓦那一家小型的电子商店橱窗上数不清的手印和鼻印却证明了人们希望一睹电脑的热情。
- The first wave of workflow software consisted of image-processing products that enabled companies to electronically store, index and retrieve scanned documents. 工作流软件的第一次高潮是图像处理产品,它们能使各公司用电子方法存储、编索引和重新得到被扫描的文档。
- Social networking: The hard-core geeks hang out in Akihabara, which also happens to be home to the city's best electronics stores and manga shops. 社交网络:科技人才聚会在秋叶原,这里也恰好是东京市内最好的电子商店和漫画店的基地。
- When she visits Best Buys electronics stores, Ms.Ballard says she asks managers: What do you know about your customers that I couldnt possibly know? 当造访百思买的电子商品店时巴拉德向经理们问道:“关于客户你知道什么我不可能知道的事情?”
- In case the application is approved, the UBC-TCU-RUC Summer Program in Buddhist Studies has my permission to electronically store my personal data. 本人一经录取,即默许UBC-慈大-人大暑期佛学研修班保存本人以上信息。
- A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data. 磁鼓中用来暂时存放数据的一种缓冲区。
- The engineer caught on with a big electronics body. 这位工程师被一家大电子集团所雇用。