- elemental structural type 元素性构造型式
- The comb-type caisson is a new structural type of breakwaters. 梳式潜水箱是一种新型结构的防波堤。
- The plane layout, wharf structural type and environment problems are analyzed and studied. 分析和探讨了设计中的平面布置、码头结构型式及环境问题。
- In the case of an array or other structured type, a pointer holds the address of the first element in the structure. 对于数组或其他结构类型,指针保存的是结构类型中第一个元素的地址。
- A structured type is a data type containing a series of attributes. 结构化类型是包含一系列属性的数据类型。
- The structural type and design scheme for a building project should be based on its serviceable function and force conditions. 摘要建筑工程设计时,需要根据建筑的使用功能和建筑结构的受力特征,确定结构形式及设计方案。
- Abstract: A new structural type is proposed and tested: steel-reinforced brick based on distributed unbond prestress theory (SRB-DUP). 摘要: 本文提出并试验了一种新型的结构体系:基于分布式非黏着预应力理论的钢筋加固砖砌体结构(SRB-DUP)。
- The characteristics,structural type and brief development history of antihalation dye used for medical green sensitizing X ray film were outlined. 简述了用于感绿X光胶片的阻光染料的特点、结构类型及其发展史。
- The analyses results provided basis for reasonably determining the load and the structural type of support and the top-coal caving parameters. 分析结果为合理确定支架的工作阻力和结构型式及合理确定放煤参数提供了依据。
- A tentative numerical example shows that the above class of EBE computational methods forfinite element structural analysis is very efficient for both sequential and parallel computing. 初步数值试验结果表明:这类EBE有限元结构分析方法对串行和并行计算都是很有效的。
- So, we needed to deal with structure types. 所以,我们需要处理结构类型。
- Combining the parametric design and finite element structural analysis by the parametric design language(APDL) in ANSYS software,we have constructed the finite element model of the sandblast cylinder. 利用ANSYS软件中参数化设计语言(APDL),将参数化设计与有限元结构分析相结合,建立了喷砂罐的有限元模型。
- The structural type and behavior is related dosely to the ore-forming quality of postmagmatic filled hydrothennal metasomatic fluorite deposit in Yixian Liaoning. 辽宁义县地区的岩浆期后充填热液交代型萤石矿床的成矿质量与构造的型式和性质有着密切关系。
- Combining with the practice of the design,the determinations of top elevation of open sea terminal on different structural type of wharfs are discusses. 结合设计工作实践,就不同结构型式下开敞式码头面高程的确定方法进行探讨。
- Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible, oblique fault block. 莱芜矿区属于伸展性掀斜断块构造类型。
- A template can contain elements that specify literal result element structure. (用来构造“结果树”的某个部分)。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- Descriptions focus on the structural type,construction procedure of steel sheeting cofferdam and steel casing cofferdam,as well as major equipment used. 重点阐述钢板桩围堰、钢套箱围堰的结构型式、施工程序及主要机具设备等。
- The inspection and test items were determined according to the structural type,including inspections and tests of outward appearance,material and trunnion coaxiality of the gates. 针对闸门的结构型式、运行特征,确定了有针对性的检测项目,包括外观检测、腐蚀状况检测、材料检测以及铰支座同轴度检测。
- The three sub-models show that there are orthographic and structural type effects when performing the recognition tasks of true and false characters and non-characters. 通过模型对真、假、非字的认知效应,我们模拟了外国学生汉字构形意识的萌发与发展,以及汉字结构类型的认知效应;