- He found a piece of fossil of an ancient bird. 他发现一块古代鸟类的化石。
- My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。
- This fossil may be over 2 million years old. 这化石可能超过二百万年了。
- In the case of a highly intelligent animal, elementary training is easy. 就高度灵敏的动物而言,初级训练并不难。
- Can you date the fossil exactly? 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗?
- elementary fossil 分子化石
- This elementary school is affiliated to a university. 这所小学附属于一所大学。
- Isn't Professor Bell an old fossil? 贝尔教授真是个老顽固。
- A microscopic fossil, as of a pollen grain or unicellular organism. 微体化石一种微小的化石,如花粉粒或单细胞有机体的化石
- If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization. 如果我们浪费矿物燃料,我们就威胁文明。
- He is a self-educated man. He didn't finish even elementary school. 他是一个自学成材的人。他连小学也未读完。
- The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms. 新法律剥夺了许多人的最基本的自由。
- In elementary school, the child learns to read and write. 在小学里孩子学习读书和写字。
- The gossip tossed the mossy blossom fossil. 爱讲闲话者向上抛长满苔藓的花化石。
- A finite list of choices; our finite fossil fuel reserves. 为数有限的选择; 我们有限的矿物燃料贮量
- The solid matter in which a fossil or crystal is embedded. 基质,脉石嵌有化石或水晶的固体物质
- He is ignorant of even the most elementary facts. 他连最基本的事实都不知道。
- Coal is usually referred to as a fossil fuel. 煤通常被称为矿物燃料。
- The fossil may over 2 millon years. 这化石可能超过二百万年了.
- His imagination of the universe was elementary. 自己对这宇宙万物的想象力太贫乏了。