- elementary statistics of climatic data 气候资料的基本统计
- The magnitude of each type of noise listed above can be computed from elementary statistical principles. 上列各种类型的噪声的大小可用基本统计学原理来计算。
- A concise introduction to elementary statistical mechanics, or: Where does the Boltzmann factor come from? 统计力学的简明介绍:玻尔兹曼因子的由来?
- An elementary problem in statistics. 统计学的基本问题
- These are some indigestible statistics. 这是些很难理解的统计资料。
- My son is studying at an elementary school. 我儿子在一家小学上学。
- I happen to have the official statistics with me. 我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。
- Get me a printout of the statistics. 给我一份打印出的统计资料。
- In the case of a highly intelligent animal, elementary training is easy. 就高度灵敏的动物而言,初级训练并不难。
- Mary's vital statistics are38-24-38(inches). 玛丽的三围是38-24-38(英寸)。
- Elementary Statistics, Elementary Statistics and Commercial Statistics, Marketing Research 统计学原理、贸易统计、市场调研
- He spent hours poring over the statistics. 他花了数小时钻研这些统计数据。
- He is a professor of statistics. 他教授统计学。
- The statistics were given in parenthesis. 统计数字在括号里。
- This elementary school is affiliated to a university. 这所小学附属于一所大学。
- All these statistics about increased wages cut no ice with me. 所有这些有关工资提升的数据我都不关心。
- His political thinking is statist, too. 他的政治思想也是中央集权性质的。
- Statistics indicate that our living standards have risen. 统计数字表明我们的生活水准已提高。
- He is a self-educated man. He didn't finish even elementary school. 他是一个自学成材的人。他连小学也未读完。
- The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms. 新法律剥夺了许多人的最基本的自由。