- The air resounded with smoke and dust. 烟尘在空中浮荡。
- Pollution from smoke and dust vitiates the air. 来自烟尘的污染损害了空气质量。
- Smoke and dust lingers rather than fading away. 烟雾和灰尘不会再快速的散去了。
- eliminate smoke and dust 消烟除尘
- to eliminate smoke and reduce dust 消烟除尘
- We were riding our bikes along the road-side when the jeep cut ahead of us leaving smoke and dust around us. 我们正沿路边骑车,突然一辆吉普车直驶前去,留给我们的是尘土飞扬。
- After the innovation, it can greatly restrain fouling of the evaporator pipes, eliminate smoke and bad smell, lengthen the operation life to over 1 month; Evaporators only need alkali liquor and water for recycling cleaning. 实施后明显抑制了蒸发器列管结垢趋势,焚烧炉烟气臭气消除,运行周期达到1个月以上;清洗蒸发器时,只需用稀碱液和水循环清洗,避免了频繁打开蒸发器机械清洗。
- It provided the motivation for controlling smoke and dust emission from industrial plant. 这为控制工厂企业散发的烟尘起了促进作用。
- Tundish-cover nodulizing process can reduce the smoke and dust effectively and the pollution of the atmosphere. 盖包法可以有效减少烟尘的排出,减少对大气的污染;
- Smoke and dust purifing in foundry is essential request for labor protection and elimination environment pollution. 铸造车间冲天炉烟尘净化是铸造生产中进行劳动保护,消除环境污染的基本要求。
- My tears slowly fall down, we quietly drinking a low, disseminated things in the old smoke and dust. 我的泪慢慢滑落下来,大家静静低饮着,浸染在旧事的烟尘中。
- Based on these methods,a set of on-line smoke and dust monitoring system(CEMS)was developed.The system was app... 在一采暖锅炉上成功地进行了不同运行工况下现场较长时间连续监测。
- Zhengzhou Railway Station platform in a telephone call to the smoke and dust, so I will not tell dust, I have taken clear. 我在郑州火车站的站台上给烟尘打了电话,告诉烟尘不要再等我,我已经考虑清楚了。
- All day they circled had dove like bees pestering a mole, and the sky at the eastern end of the plain, over the city, bulged with smoke and dust... 整整一天,他们像蜜蜂缠着一样在洛阳上空盘旋,平原东部的天空布满了硝烟与尘土...
- The paper discusses the problems existed in the monitoring of smoke and dust from mini-type oil burning boilers and puts forward the resolvent for it. 该文对小型燃油锅炉烟尘监测中存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了解决方法。
- Smoke and dust control area is extending year by year, and noise in urban area is controlled below 56.6 DB, meeting the national standard. 烟尘控制区逐年扩大,市区区域环境噪声等效声级56.;6分贝,达到国家规定的控制目标。
- A volcano emits smoke and ashes. 火山散发着烟和灰。
- In the myths and legends of his childhood, the Moon was known as Guang Han Palace, a god's palace where white and rosy clouds hung high in the sky, unstained by smoke and dust from the world of man. 他儿时曾听过一些神话传说,月亮被称做广寒宫,是个庐云巢霞的仙阙,高挂天上,不染人间烟尘。
- The factors of urban pollution are mainly amog (smoke and dust in air), fine sand flying up in air and secondary dust (ground dust), as well as dispersion of solid waste and sewage irrigation. 该市地处西北黄土高原西部,是黄河河谷盆地型城市,其城市污染代表了黄土高原干旱、半干旱条件下污染特征。