- elixir cascarae sagradae [医] 波希鼠李酏
- Costive one tabloid of cascara sagrada. 便秘嘛,请服一片药鼠李皮。
- A buckthorn(Rhamnus purshiana) native to northwest North America,the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada. 药鼠李树原产北美洲西北部的一种药鼠李树(珀希鼠李鼠李属),其树皮是药鼠李皮剂的原料。
- Cascara Sagrada will assist initiates in allowing the friends to come and go in the dance of life within ascension. 美鼠李将协助提升者在提升过程中,允许朋友们在自身生命之舞中自由来去。
- A buckthorn(Rhamnus purshiana) native to northwest North America, the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada. 药鼠李树原产北美洲西北部的一种药鼠李树(珀希鼠李鼠李属),其树皮是药鼠李皮剂的原料
- Upon a physical level, Cascara Sagrada will assist with the elimination of the waste management systems, and in particular the large intestine. 在一个生物性水平上,美鼠李将协助排泄系统的排泄,尤其是大肠。
- extractum cascarae sagradae liquidum [医] 波希鼠李流浸膏
- fluidglyceratum cascarae sagradae [医] 波希鼠李甘油流浸膏
- costive one tabloid of cascara sagrada 便秘嘛,请服一片药鼠李皮。
- emulsio paraffini liquidi cum cascara sagrada [医] 波希鼠李液状石蜡乳剂
- aromatic cascara sagrada fluidextract [医] 芳香波希鼠李皮流浸膏
- shrubby tree of United States Pacific coast;yields cascara sagrada. 美国太平洋海岸的一种灌木状树木;生产鼠李皮。
- cascara sagrada extract [cathartic from buckthorn tree] 泻丸
- shrubby tree of United States Pacific coast; yields cascara sagrada. 美国太平洋海岸的一种灌木状树木;生产鼠李皮。
- A secret essence or remedy; an elixir. 秘方秘密的精髓或治疗法;万灵药
- Does true meeting have an elixir? 真的会有长生不老药吗?
- Complementation is no elixir to all relationships. 于是很体贴的转移了话题。
- Is the world to have an elixir after all? 世界是到底有没有长生不老药吗?
- To know the people can eat elixir. 要知道吃了人参长生不老。”
- A secret essence or remedy;an elixir. 秘方秘密的精髓或治疗法;万灵药