- And berries contain ellagic acid, which some studies show may fight cancer. 浆果富含鞣花酸,研究表明它可以抗癌。
- Hydrolysable tannin may be degraded to glucose,gallic acid,ellagic acid and valonia acid in the acid condition. 水解类植物鞣质在酸性条件下能降解,其降解产物可起到还原、蒙囿以及与金属盐络合的作用。
- A new method for determination of ellagic acid content by UV spectrophotometry was studied. 研究了用紫外分光光度法测定鞣花酸含量的一种新方法。
- Contrary to previous results, ellagic acid and not resveratrol is the major phenolic in muscadine grapes. 他见了之后立马打开来抓了一把就吃,说太好吃了太好吃了...-_-''结果一个上午不到大半袋子就下肚了...
- The ellagic acid has been prepared by oxidation of the leaching solution of Chinese gallnut containing tannic acid. 以五倍子为原料浸取单宁酸 ,由单宁酸氧化制备鞣花酸。
- Blackberries also contain ellagic acid, which has been found helpful in the battle against colon cancer. 黑莓也内含鞣花酸,有助人体对抗大肠癌。
- Ellagic acid was previousely shown to have anticarcinogenic, antioxidant and antifibrosis properties. 此前的研究表明鞣花酸具有抗肿瘤、抗氧化和抗纤维化的作用。
- The level of ellagic acid is a main factor influencing the organoleptic quality of grape juice. 鞣花酸的含量是影响葡萄汁感官指标的重要因素。
- However the mechanisms mediating anti-cancer effect of ellagic acid, in general, remain unknown. 可是其抗癌的普遍机制还不为人所知。
- Ellagic acid helps reduce free radical damage and protect the nuclei of cell DNA against damage. 柔花酸能有效对抗游离基,更深层保护细胞中的DNA。
- Each capsule contains 250 mg Pomegranate Fruit Extract standardized to provide 40% Ellagic Acid 100 mg. 保存方式:开封后,请保持瓶口紧盖,放置于冰箱或阴凉乾燥处,避免阳光直晒;避免儿童自取。
- In muscadine skins, ellagic acid, myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, and trans-resveratrol are major phenolics. 来这边之后他听说我要去中国超市又说让我帮他带一袋。于是上周5我就把我周4买的那袋枸杞拿给他。
- They were identified as mallotinic acid, mallotusinic acid, corilagin, geraniin, rutin, and ellagic acid. 它们分别是野桐酸,野桐鞣酸,鞣云实精,老鹳草鞣质,芸香苷和鞣花酸。
- The data in this article demonstrate the anti-cancer properties of ellagic acid as well as its mechanism of action. 稳重的数据揭示了鞣花酸的抗癌性质及作用机制。
- The ellagic acid pigment was extracted from granatum,and its physical and chemical property,such as,light,hot,acid,alk,oxidizier and reducer,food additives were studied. 从石榴皮中提取得到了一种鞣花酸类色素,并对该色素的理化性质进行了研究,分析测试了光、热、酸、碱、氧化剂、还原剂、食品添加剂对其性能的影响。
- Pomegranates and berries also contain ellagic acid, a polyphenol and potent antioxidant with heart-protective and anticancer effects. 石榴和浆果中还包含一种鞣花酸,一种能有效防止心脏病和癌症的多酚。
- The anticarcinogenic effect of ellagic acid was shown in several types of cancers including skin, esophageal, and colon cancers. 鞣花酸的抗肿瘤作用在包括皮肤癌、食道癌和结肠癌的几种癌症中都得到了证实。
- Second, as hypothesized, the exposed mice that received topical application of ellagic acid showed reduced wrinkle formation. 第二,与假定一致,接受照射同时也接受局部鞣花酸治疗的小鼠皱纹形成减少。
- Second, Strawberry: Strawberry contain ellagic acid, can protect the body against carcinogens harm, there are certain anti-cancer effect. 二、草莓:草莓中含有鞣花酸,能保护机体免受致癌物的伤害,尚有一定抗癌作用。
- What happened?First, as expected, the mice exposed to UV radiation without the ellagic acid treatment developed wrinkles and thickening of the skin. 首先,意料之中,接受UV照射而不搽鞣花酸的小鼠出现皱纹且皮肤角质加厚。