- The AGR and RGR of alfalfa varieties were the highest during the period from the bud stage to the early flowering stage,while the highest AGR and RGR of awnless brome(B.inermis) occurred during the period from the elongation to the heading stage. 苜蓿在孕蕾至初花期、无芒雀麦在拔节至抽穗期AGR和RGR最高,混播降低了苜蓿的AGR和RGR值;
- CPD of old world bluestem, cepitose cleistogenes at blooming stage were higher than that in heading stage, but lower in jointing stage. 白羊草与隐子草在开花期的蛋白质降解率(CPD)高于抽穗期,但低于拔节期。
- Also the quality of rice can be improved through the adjustment of the seeding or heading stage. 其次,对优质水稻生产来说,改善栽培条件便可进一步提高稻米的食用品质。
- At heading stage, 14C-photosynthate produced in main stem was mostly used by spike and stem of itself. 抽穗期主茎的光合产物主要用于自身茎鞘及穗的生长;
- In logic control, FPGA technology is applied to set the parameters of head stage and mainboard of patch-clamp. 在逻辑控制模块中,通过采用FPGA新技术,来设计控制电路,实现对探头、膜片钳放大器主板的控制和参数设置;
- The plant dry weight of Zhongsi 237 was the highest from wintering stage to heading stage among four triticale varieties. 4个小黑麦品种中,从越冬始期到抽穗期,以中饲237生物产量最高。
- Compared with the CRMS, the height, leaf area index and biomass of rice in IRDFS decreased and there was a significant difference during the tillering and heading stage. 与常规水稻栽培方式相比,鸭稻共作方式下水稻株高、叶面积指数、生物量有减小的趋势,而且在有效分蘖期和幼穗分化期存在着显著或极显著差异。
- The result that the date of one cutting must be earlier than later heading stage, and the first date of two cuttings cannot be later than jointing stage. 结果表明,一次利用时,刈割时间不能超过抽穗后期。两次利用时,头茬刈割时间不能超过拔节期,二茬应在抽穗后期刈割。
- Application of N at Elymus sibiricus plants' heading stage enhanced their seed germination rate and speed, though not so to the heading stage of Agropyron desertorum cv. 在抽穗期施氮有利于提高老芒麦种子的发芽率和发芽速度,但对诺丹冰草则无明显影响;
- The relative humidity of CK is higher than that of treatments from tiller peak stage to booting stage in the day, while it is contrary from full heading stage to filling stage. 分蘖高峰期到孕穗期CK白天群体相对湿度大于处理,齐穗期到灌浆期处理群体相对湿度大于CK。
- Leaf area index (LAI) and root weight were lower under SSNM than those under FFP before panicle initiation, but the results were reversed after heading stage. 穗分化前实地氮肥管理水稻叶面积指数和根质量低于农民习惯施肥法,抽穗后结果则相反。
- The dotted lines indicate the elongation. 虚线表示延长的部分。
- Plant samples above ground were taken respectively at seedling stage, maximum tillering stage, full heading stage and full ripe stage for N, P, K, Si content analysis carried out according to "routine analysis method for soil agro-chemistry". 在苗期、最大分蘖期、齐穗期和完熟期分别采取地上部分植株样本,按照“土壤农化常规分析法”化验氮、磷、钾、硅含量。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- There were more dry matter in vegetative organs at the heading stage in super rice but its contribution to yield was less than 148.5 kg/hm2 averagely(apparent translocation percentage was 2.5% lower than that of the control Shanyou 63). 超级稻抽穗期营养器官贮存了较多的结构物质但干物质表观输出量均低于对照;平均少148.;5 kg/hm2;表观输出率也低;平均低2
- Any of several prized varieties of chicory,having red or red - spotted leaves that form globose or elongated heads. 菊苣一种稀有的菊苣菜变种,叶有红点或叶呈红色,叶成球形或长形的头状
- Late season drought coinciding with the rice booting to heading stage affects the development of plant height, panicle exsertion, and flag leaf size, and causes significant yield loss. 水稻后期干旱条件下, 株高、剑叶长、剑叶宽以及包颈程度都会受到一定影响, 并导致产量的进一步损失。
- Any of several prized varieties of chicory, having red or red-spotted leaves that form globose or elongated heads. 菊苣一种稀有的菊苣菜变种,叶有红点或叶呈红色,叶成球形或长形的头状
- It is suggested that photosynthetic rate and PDLP, PDLA and PDDT of rice varieties at heading stage may be used as the physiological indexes of the breeding for high photosynthetic efficiency. 水稻品种抽穗期光合速率及其叶龄差、叶位差和时间差可作为高光效育种的生理指标。
- Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in heading stage is highest.Peroxidase (POD) activity is the highest in the grain-filling stage.Catalase (CAT) activity is the lowest in the flowering stage. 其中,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性在抽穗期最高,过氧化物酶(POD)活性在灌浆期最高,而开花期过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性则明显低于其它时期。